The Harlem Globetrotters are an iconic basketball team that has been entertaining audiences for nearly a century. In a recent video from Guinness World Records, the team is shown setting an impressive 18 new world records.

The video begins with a brief history of the Harlem Globetrotters and their impact on the world of basketball. It then moves on to show the team members attempting various world records, including the most blindfolded basketball slam dunks in one minute and the most behind-the-back three-pointers in one minute.

The video is filled with high-energy music, colorful graphics, and commentary from the team members themselves. Viewers are treated to a behind-the-scenes look at the Globetrotters’ training and preparation for their record-breaking attempts.

Harlem Globetrotters smash 18 basketball world records in 48 hours | Guinness  World Records

As the video progresses, the team members continue to break world records with impressive feats such as the most basketball half-court shots made by a team in one minute and the most basketball three-pointers made in one minute by a team of two.

Throughout the video, viewers can’t help but be impressed by the skill and athleticism of the Harlem Globetrotters. The team members’ ability to perform difficult basketball maneuvers with ease is a testament to their years of practice and dedication to the sport.

The video ends with the team celebrating their incredible accomplishment and expressing their gratitude for being able to represent the Harlem Globetrotters. It is a thrilling and inspiring display of teamwork, perseverance, and excellence.

Overall, the video “HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS SET 18 NEW WORLD RECORDS – Guinness World Records” is a must-watch for basketball fans and anyone who appreciates extraordinary human achievements. The Harlem Globetrotters have proven once again that they are more than just a basketball team – they are a cultural phenomenon that continues to inspire and entertain people around the world.

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