30,000 McDonald’s Big Macs eaten! – Guinness World Records

The McDonald’s Big Mac is a popular fast food burger that many people around the world have enjoyed at some point. However, one man has taken his love for the Big Mac to a whole new level, earning him a Guinness World Record.

Don Gorske, from Wisconsin in the United States, has eaten a staggering 30,000 Big Macs over the course of his life. Gorske began eating Big Macs in 1972 and has been keeping track of every single one he’s eaten since then. He even has his own custom-built garage to store all the packaging and wrappers from the Big Macs he’s consumed.

World Record Holder for Eating 30,000 Big Macs Is Still At It

Gorske’s love for the Big Mac is not just about the taste; he also enjoys the consistency and convenience of the burger. In an interview with Guinness World Records, he stated that he eats two Big Macs a day, one for lunch and one for dinner. He also emphasized that he has never had any health issues related to his Big Mac consumption.

Gorske’s obsession with the Big Mac has made him something of a local celebrity, and he has even been featured in a documentary about his love for the burger. He also holds the record for the most Big Macs eaten in a single day, consuming 32 burgers on his 32nd anniversary of eating Big Macs.

McDonald's Lover Has Eaten 32,340 Big Macs for the World Record

Despite some criticism and concern about the health implications of his diet, Gorske remains dedicated to his love for the Big Mac. He even claims that he will continue to eat them every day until the day he dies.

In conclusion, Don Gorske’s love for the McDonald’s Big Mac has earned him a place in the Guinness World Records as the person who has eaten the most Big Macs. While some may question the health implications of his diet, his dedication and consistency are certainly admirable.

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