9 reasons why we have not found aliens yet, the most surprising is the final “twist”

Aliens have not appeared after all these years, while there are billions of planets out there? Are humans so lonely?

Today, scientists believe that there are millions, or billions of planets in the universe that could sustain life. But throughout the history of this universe, there have not been any aliens to Earth and shake hands with humans, causing many people to have a headache to find the reason.

And of the hundreds of reasons that scientists give, here are 9 of the most bizarre reasons:

1. Because aliens are… “mermaids” living in the ocean

This theory suggests that aliens are lurking in the oceans below the surface of planets.

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 1.

Aliens may live in subterranean oceans so they cannot respond to human search signals.

According to astronomers, there are many subterranean oceans that flow under the rock on the moons of the solar system, and it seems that these kinds of oceans are also quite common throughout the Milky Way.

Alan Stern, a physicist at NASA, thinks that these underground “aquariums” are a perfect environment for life to develop. “Collisions, solar radiation, nearby supernova explosions, orbits, magnetic fields, toxic gases… all don’t matter” for life underground, Alan stressed.

That’s good news for the aliens. However, it also means that humans will never be able to detect them if we just stand on Earth, glancing through the planets with a periscope. And of course, they live so deep underground and probably don’t even know there’s a universe above, so they can’t even notice us.

2. Because aliens are imprisoned on the “super-Earths”

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found the aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 2.

The gravitational pull of the super-Earths is so great that the aliens cannot escape.

In astronomy, the term “super-Earth” is used to refer to a type of planet with a mass 10 times that of Earth. Surveys have shown that there are countless planets like this that have the right conditions to form water. This means that there could be life on super-Earths across the universe.

Unfortunately, we will probably never meet these aliens. According to a study published in April, a planet 10 times the mass of Earth would also have an escape velocity 2.4 times greater than that of Earth. That is why overcoming gravity, launching space rockets and visiting Earth for our alien friends is almost impossible. They are almost imprisoned in their own homeland, said Michael Hippke, a researcher at the Sonneberg Observatory in Germany.

3. Because aliens are robots, not blue creatures!

Yes! A society dominated by machines, like in the futurist movies we see all the time, turns out to be real somewhere in space, according to analysis by futurist Seth Shostak.

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 3.

Aliens are actually robots!

Humans invented radio around 1900, built the first computer in 1945, and now is the age of a series of compact devices capable of doing billions of calculations per second. Very soon, we will be able to create full-fledged artificial intelligence.

So are the aliens, which are probably much more developed than humanity. That’s why Shostak thinks we should readjust our judgment in the search for aliens. In other words, what we’re looking for are robots, not little blue guys.

“Whatever (alien) society invents radio, so that we can hear them, after a few centuries, they will invent their successors… and those successors. are machines,” Shostak said at the 2016 San Francisco Space Conference.

An extremely advanced alien society may have completely turned into a society of super-intelligent robots, which means we need to look for aliens in a different direction. And instead of focusing all our resources on finding habitable planets, perhaps we should look at places that seem more attractive to machines, such as places with abundant energy sources like the center of Earth. centers of galaxies, says Shostak.

4. Since we’ve already seen them, we’re just too confused and don’t recognize them!

Are we over-confident in Hollywood footage of aliens?

Thanks to modern folklore, the image of aliens with human-like bodies and terrifyingly large heads is probably ingrained in our minds. However, default images of extraterrestrial beings (although we have not actually seen them) can be the cause of confusion and bring the search to a standstill, a group of psychologists from Spain commented.

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found the aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 4.

The almost default human image of aliens: human-like body, pale skin, thin skin and large bald head.

In a small study, the team asked 137 people to look at pictures of different planets and look for signs of what appeared to be aliens. Hidden in these pictures is a tiny man in a gorilla suit. And surprisingly, only about 30% of the survey participants noticed this monkey disguised man, the rest were busy searching for their imaginary image of a blue guy with a big head.

The team believes that the fact that aliens are not humanoid at all, they cannot even be identified by light or sound waves. Basically, the imagination has limited the scope of the search for aliens. If we don’t learn to extend the frames of reference, we might miss the real aliens even if they are standing in front of us.

5. Because humans are “bulldozers”, and aliens are “ants”

According to this theory, perhaps the aliens were killed by humans.

Theoretical physicist Alexander Berezin makes the point that the more aggressively we search for extraterrestrials, the more likely we are to destroy them, even if unintentionally.

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 5.

Aliens may have been accidentally destroyed by humans.

His reasoning is as follows: Any civilization capable of exploring the far reaches of the universe wants to grow and expand without limits. Even on Earth, we can see an extension of the range of life of stronger species, and that is often accompanied by the suppression of smaller, weaker creatures, simply simply because they get in the way.

” I’m not saying that the more advanced civilizations will intentionally destroy all other species. Mostly by accident …,” – Berezin clarified. For example, when we destroy a slum to build a building, the manslayers are bulldozers and the creatures that are accidentally harmed are the ants. Humans are bulldozers or ants are all possible scenarios.

6. Because aliens are “karmic” when causing climate change

Are aliens a role model for us humans?

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 6.

Aliens may have perished due to climate change.

The more we grow, the more resources we consume than the planet can provide. Over the past five decades, we have become increasingly aware of the climate crisis and its consequences. Therefore, there is no reason that extremely advanced species like aliens can not consume more resources than us, and the price they pay is extinction.

Astrophysicist Adam Frank has made a series of mathematical models to examine the likelihood of a civilization growing or declining as it exploits and uses more and more available resources. The bad news is that in three out of four models, society collapses and most of the population has to accept death.

Only when society realizes the problem earlier and immediately uses sustainable energy (i.e. does not over-exploit and over-use the renewable planet), can civilization survive. That means, if extraterrestrials really do exist, there’s a good chance they’ve or will destroy themselves before we can find them.

The theory that Frank seems to want to remind and warn us about today’s extremely urgent climate problem.

7. Because aliens are too…slow

Big ideas meet, yet another theory that extraterrestrial beings have perished because they evolved too slowly.

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 7.

Aliens may have perished because they did not adapt to the changes of the planet where they lived.

According to a 2016 study from the Australian National University, wet, solid-surface planets like Earth are very unstable during their early life. If any species wants to evolve and thrive on such a planet, they have only a limited amount of time (several hundred million years) to evolve.

“Faced with heat pulses, glaciation, unstable material transformations, and out-of-control (e.g. greenhouse gases), sustaining life on a wet rocky planet for a long time Its head behaves like trying to ride a bison – most fall,” the team wrote. “Life is rare in the universe, perhaps not because it was so difficult to form, but because the planet’s environment was so difficult to adapt to during the first billion years.”

8. Because we and the aliens are “Romeo” and “Juliet”

This hypothesis suggests that there is a source of dark energy that is dividing galaxies. It sounds like we and the alien Romeo and Juliet are torn apart by the dark forces of hatred between two deeply divided families. Scientists analyze this hypothesis as follows:

The universe is expanding. Galaxies are moving farther and farther apart, and the light from stars is fading to us, all caused by a mysterious, invisible form of matter that scientists call dark energy. . They speculate that within a few trillion years, dark energy will stretch the universe to the point where Earth will no longer be able to see the light of any galaxies. And if we don’t explore as much of the universe as possible before that happens, we won’t be able to meet aliens.

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 8.

Dark energy is stretching the universe, we may never meet aliens.

The only thing we can do is “run the deadline” in finding aliens and expanding our civilization into other galaxies, said Dan Hooper, astrophysicist at the Machine Lab Fermi National Accelerator in Illinois, shared. Of course it’s not easy.

9. Extreme twist: Because we are aliens!

Today, you just walked out the door and encountered an alien. The girl who just sent you a letter is also an alien. Next door neighbor – another noisy alien. Your parents, your siblings – all of them are aliens.

9 reasons that sound absurd but very convincing about why we have not found the aliens, the most surprising is the last twist - Photo 9.

We are aliens invading Earth!

And that is a theory of astrobiology called “the hypothesis of the origin of life from the universe”. The theory is that most of life on Earth today did not originate here but was “seeded” by meteorites carrying bacteria from another world millions of years ago.

Proponents of this theory argue that octopuses, water bears and humans are creatures from other planets in the same galaxy. Unfortunately, they have yet to find any solid evidence to back that up.

And you, do you believe in aliens and what reason is the most reasonable?

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