The most famous UFO sighting missions in the world

Around the world, UFO sighting missions have been reported with alarming regularity.
Does extraterrestrial life really exist? It is a mystery that intrigues all of us. Despite great advances in technology, we have not yet been able to prove this. But around the world, UFO sighting missions are reported with alarming conventionality. So, should we believe events like the Roswell ruckus, or completely reject the notion that we are being visited by beings from another planet?

Below is a list of the most known UFO sightings of recent times.

Light in Greifswald, German Democratic Republic

The guillotine witnessed the organized event of seven lights hovering for 30 minutes in the night sky above the Greifswald nuclear power plant near Peenemünde, in 1990. Several witnesses, including one Russian nuclear physicist who worked at the station, filmed being served.

The working process drew a skeptical reaction from many, despite the inexplicable fact that the lights went out like hanging in the sky for half an hour. One of the reasons given was that the lights were Russian or Polish naval flares fired into the sky. German unification is expected six weeks later, and some see it as a diplomatic protest Prevent or delay union.

Events witnessed by Warrenton, South Africa

In 1994, a farmer claimed to have seen what he thought was a small, noisy plane traveling at high speed in the Night sky with a larger “mother ship”. The noise the train makes is compared to that of a helicopter or the engine of a Volkswagen hood. 4 other people witnessed the scene in 1994, which was never properly explained.

Kolkata, India

In 2007, an article was published in The Times Of India citing several witnesses who claimed to have seen a flying object moving at high speed over Kolkata. See saw reports between 3:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m.

Eyewitnesses to the event claim that the object can change its shape, from a sphere to a triangle. Experts contacted by the Times of India were unable to explain the phenomenon.

Witness Events in Vancouver, Canada

On February 20, 2011, several people in Vancouver reported seeing an object hovering in the sky emitting green and red light. However, after viewing the recorded footage, experts concluded that the UFO was in fact a scammer fitted with LED lights.

Captain William Schaffner Incident, North Sea

On September 9, 1970, Royal Air Force pilot William Schaffner was flying over the North Sea when he spotted a strange object in front of his plane, hovering over the water in the North Sea. He decided to investigate, but minutes later radio contact with Captain Schaffner’s plane was lost.

Schaffner’s plane was later found on the seabed. However, the compartment was closed and there was no trace of the pilot. This remains one of the fascinating cases involving so-called UFOs, and as The Telegraph reported at the time, there doesn’t seem to be an answer to what could be happening outside of the RAF captain. was on a high night mode training target when his plane crashed inexplicably.

Incident of the Berwyn Range, Wales

On the night of January 23, 1974, several villagers living in the Berwyn mountains in north Wales reported seeing bright lights in the sky accompanied by a very loud noise.

Although the incident caused fear, it was later dismissed as a UFO sighting mission after the British Ministry of Defense confirmed that a falling meteor produced light and, upon impact, created a subsequent seizure.

Synthetic Incident Yenikent, Turkey

Throughout 2007, 2008 and 2009, a nighter at the Yenikent complex named Yalcin Yalman was able to film multiple times of what many believe to be UFOs hovering over Turkey.

The videos capture images, now considered one of the most convincing evidence that extraterrestrial life exists outside of our world.

Belgian UFO Wave

Belgian UFO wave is the term used to describe a series of unidentified flying object sightings that took place between November 1989 and April 1990 in Belgium. Rows of people reported seeing various objects in the sky, triangular in shape with lights mounted on their bases.

However, at the time, no photos or videos were officially released to confirm the event. A photo that appeared in 1990 and was released to the press later proved to be an edited photo.

Light of Lubbock, Texas

Between August and September 1951, several unusual lights were detected in the sky above Lubbock, in Texas. Witnesses described seeing about 20 to 30 lights arranged in a “V” shape. The mission was one of the first in the United States to report UFO sightings.

That same year, the U.S. Air Force investigated a mission and concluded that the topping lights were caused by a baby bird, a small wading bird. However, this strange explanation was later recounted by the USAF and no other reason was given.

The incident Tehran, Iran

On September 19, 1976, Iranian military forces detected an unidentified flying object in the sky over the capital Tehran. As two Iranian military jets approached the mysterious object, the pilots lost radio contact with the ground. When preparing to fire at the UFO, their weapon system also failed. Only after leaving the vicinity of the strange vehicle did they proceed to inspect their entire aircraft.

The witness of former US President Jimmy Carter

In 1973, before taking office as President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, the state governor of Georgia, reported seeing an unidentified flying object.

The incident was only reported after Carter was in the White House. In the late 1970s, when he was no longer president, the US press used Carter’s witness mission to open up a debate about UFO sightings.

Scenes in São Paulo, Brazil

In 1986, 20 UFOs appeared on the radar of the Brazilian military forces. An air force jet was piloted to intercept them, but the objects eventually disappeared from the screen.

Several conspiracy theories have since emerged regarding the sightings, but the general consensus is that the “objects” are in fact debris from the Soviet space station Salyut-7 that continues to function. , disintegrating as it fell out of orbit and into the earth’s atmosphere.

“The Roswell Incident”

The “Roswell Incident” continues to capture the imagination of the public and media worldwide. In 1947, two hunting men claimed to have seen US Army personnel recover an alien spaceship from the desert near Roswell.

The US military denies this to this day. The explanation given by the authorities is that the military was engaged in a secret mission to recover a surveillance device.

The Case of Kenneth Arnold, Washington

In 1947, an American businessman named Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen several saucer-shaped objects flying over Mount Rainier, in Washington state. The events that may have been Arnold’s report were renamed “flying saucer”, a description he later popularized when recalling the mission.

The lights of Rendlesham Forest, England

The Rendlesham Forest incident is named for a series of scenes that occurred in 1980 after an alleged landing of an unidentified flying object in Rendlesham Forest. The British Ministry of Defense has never considered the event a threat to national security. Therefore, the incident was never formally investigated.

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