Guinness World Records entries include a leaping llama and the longest cat

The youngest woman with a full beard, the longest pet cat and a llama who has made the highest jump are among the weird and wonderful entries into the Guinness World Records (GWR).

Harnaam Kaur, of Slough, Berkshire, whose beard is six inches long in places, said her place in the records book was “absolutely humbling”. She is recorded as the youngest woman with a full beard, at the age of 24 years 282 days.

Kaur has polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal condition that causes her to grow excess facial hair. She is an anti-bullying activist and body positivity campaigner, and in March became the first woman with a beard to walk the runway at London fashion week.

Leaping llama and longest cat among Guinness World Records entries
Harnaam Kaur on ITV’s This Morning last year. Photograph: Ken McKay/ITV/Rex

Kelsey Gill, the owner of Ludo the Maine Coon, said he was no bigger than the other kittens in his litter when he was taken home to Wakefield, West Yorkshire, in 2014.

Ludo now measures 118.33cm in length. Gill described him as a “relaxed and laid back” cat who loves a good sleep.

Caspa, a nine-year-old llama who lives on a farm in Porthmadog, north Wales, can clear a bar standing at 1.13 metres (3ft 8.5ins) high.

Sue Williams, who has owned Caspa since he was two years old, described him as a “total diva” and the envy of the other llamas on the farm.

Leaping llama and longest cat among Guinness World Records entries
Ludo the Maine Coon with owner Kelsey Gill. Photograph: Paul Michael Hughes/GWR/PA

Josef Toedtling, 36, an Austrian stuntman, made it into the book for a full-body burn – or remaining alight – with no oxygen for 5 minutes and 41 seconds. He beat the previous record by 16 seconds.

Toedtling applies a flame-retardant gel to his face but everything else is on fire, GWR said.

Two Florida pensioners, Charlotte Guttenberg and Chuck Helmke, are named the most tattooed male and female senior citizens in the world. Guttenberg, 67, has covered 91.5% of her body with tattoos since first being inked 10 years ago. Helmke, 76, who sat beside her in the tattoo parlour to help to ease her nerves as she had her first tattoo, has 93.5% of his body covered in tattoos. All of this work was done in the last 16 years apart from one army tattoo.

Lizzy the Great Dane is named as the tallest living female dog, at 96.41cm (37.96ins). Her food bowl has to be put on a chair because she cannot reach the floor to eat, GWR said.

Leaping llama and longest cat among Guinness World Records entries
Lizzy, the Great Dane from Florida with owner Greg. Photograph: Al Diaz/GWR/PA

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