According to Guinness World Records, the Great Dane is the tallest dog ever

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiniest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane. And as a recent video on YouTube shows, one of these gentle giants has earned a place in the Guinness World Records as the tallest dog in the world.

The video, titled “Great Dane is the World’s Tallest Dog – Guinness World Records,” introduces us to a massive dog named Freddy, who towers over his owner at an incredible 7 feet 6 inches tall when standing on his hind legs.

A Great Dane has been named the world's tallest dog! - BBC Newsround

Watching Freddy on screen, it is hard not to be impressed by his sheer size and presence. But beyond his impressive height, Freddy is also a loving and affectionate companion, who enjoys playing and spending time with his family.

Of course, owning a dog as large as Freddy comes with its own set of challenges, from finding a bed big enough for him to sleep in to navigating through crowded spaces. But for his owner, it is all worth it to have such a loyal and loving friend by his side.

Watch: Texas dog dubbed world's tallest at 3 feet, 5.18 inches -

As we watch Freddy on screen, we are reminded of the incredible bond that can exist between humans and animals, and the many joys and challenges that come with pet ownership. And while not everyone may be able to accommodate a Great Dane-sized dog in their home, we can all appreciate the special bond that exists between pets and their owners, no matter their size or breed.

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