Lamborghini broke the Guinness World Record with a huge number of “super cows” parades

Lamborghini’s Lamborghini Congress in Japan attracted no less than 251 “super cows” to attend, helping the company break the Guinness World Record with “the largest Lamborghini car parade”.

In the series of activities to celebrate the brand’s 60th anniversary, Lamborghini held a special event at the Suzuka racetrack in Japan and this event helped the company break the Guinness World Record with the “big Lamborghini car parade”. best”.


Specifically, the event attracted no less than 251 Lamborghini supercars: From the 350 GT – the first model of the Italian automaker, to the Countach LPI 800-4. Models brought to Japan by Lamborghini itself include the 350 GT, Islero and Countach. In particular, all of them have been restored by the company’s Polo Storico division.


Lamborghini President and CEO Stephan Winkelmann shared with the press: “2023 marks the 60th anniversary of Lamborghini’s founding in 1963. Its wide range of products, from new models, From debuting to classic cars, appearing at the internationally renowned Suzuka racetrack is proof of the brand’s success throughout its long history and customer appreciation to this day. . It is a tremendous pleasure to witness the moment of receiving such a special Guinness World Record in an equally special year.”


In addition, a variety of customer-owned vehicles, mainly modern “super cows” models such as the Huracan STO and Aventador SVJ, also appeared on the track. Also during the event, Lamborghini displayed a special white Huracan Sterrato model with red and black accents.

This year is not only an important year for the brand because of the 60 year old figure but also because later this year the long-awaited hybrid version of the Aventador will be launched. According to many sources, the design of the model has been significantly improved and the model will be equipped with a naturally aspirated V12 engine (of unknown capacity) combined with at least one electric motor.

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