Set a Guinness record for owning 3,050 Sonic hedgehog items

A loyal fan of “Sonic the Hedgehog” set a Guinness record after 30 years of collecting items related to the popular game series.

The Guinness World Records organization has recognized Barry Evans, a 53-year-old resident of Dayton, Texas (USA) with the record for possessing the most items related to the Sonic the Hedgehog game series in the world .

Evans has 3,050 Sonic-related items. He has been collecting Sonic hedgehogs since 1992, first with the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 game . The second item is a box of Sonic gum, purchased in 1993.

Evans Sonic Hedgehog Items Gallery. Photo: ABC7 News.
Register with Guiness because of the many achievements and achievements of Sonic brother 1

“Since then, I’ve seen posters and lots of toys. I’ve decorated my room with it (Sonic hedgehog-related items),” Evans shared on the Guiness website.

” Sonic the Hedgehog has been my passion for the last 30 years… The hedgehog is cool, sharp and has incredible detail, that’s the attitude,” Evans added.

Currently, Evans’ collection includes game consoles, stuffed animals, models, signs, baseball caps, stickers, badges, posters and many memorabilia.

Evans also owns a plastic injection molding machine, which is used to print Sonic toys for Burger King stores in the UK. Next is Sonic and Tails (Sonic’s best friend) radios worth $1,700 , sold in Japan in 1992.

“Many people laughed at me when I first started collecting, but they didn’t discourage me. I kept collecting and 30 years later people came to see it and was speechless. I felt like I was preserving history. for Sonic the hedgehog,” Evans told Sega Mania .

Corners of Evans’ Sonic hedgehog item collection room. Photo: Sega Mania, Chron.

Register with Guiness because of the many achievements and achievements of Sonic brother 5

Corners of Evans’ Sonic hedgehog item collection room. Photo: Sega Mania, Chron.

  • Register with Guiness because of the many achievements and achievements of Sonic brother 4

Corners of Evans’ Sonic hedgehog item collection room. Photo: Sega Mania, Chron.

Register with Guiness because of the many achievements and achievements of Sonic brother 3

Corners of Evans’ Sonic hedgehog item collection room. Photo: Sega Mania, Chron.

Register with Guiness because of the many achievements and movies Sonic brother 2

The most valuable item in Evans’ collection is the large Sonic and Tails figurine, which was obtained from the Toys ‘R’ Us toy store in 2001. He contacted the store manager over the course of 7 years to find out. own the model, but only when the shop prepares to remodel.

“Spring 2001, I got a call saying ‘if you want the statues come and get them, we’re remodeling the store’. I left work early to get to the store as quickly as possible, before they changed it. mind,” said the 53-year-old man.

Evans set a record after 30 years of collecting Sonic the hedgehog items. Photo: Guinness.



Register with Guiness because of the many achievements and achievements of Sonic brother 6


Evans also builds items himself, including a 2003 arcade machine inside a SEGA Genesis system to play Sonic the Hedgehog 2 .

According to the New York Post , the items are kept in a room next to Evans’ house with an area of ​​​​153 square meters, titled “Yesterdays – Sonic 1992’s game room and museum”.

To set the record, Evans counted and recorded information for each item to meet Guinness’s criteria,

“It’s not easy when it takes a lot of effort. It took me 8-10 hours a day for 3 weeks to record information for each item,” Evans shared.

In the end, the hard work paid off when Guinness set the record for Evans in March. “It was unbelievable that the Guinness World Records Organization recognized my collection. It was the most satisfying thing of my life. “, Evans said.

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