The suffering of the woman who set a Guinness World Record with “terrible” feet

Tanya Herbert from Houston, Texas, USA, is the holder of the Guinness World Record with the title of “The woman with the largest feet in the world”.

The suffering of the woman who set a Guinness World Record with huge feet - 1
Tanya Herbert (39 years old) is the woman with the largest feet in the world (Photo: Daily Mail).

Tanya Herbert (39) has a 33cm long right foot. Currently, Tanya holds the Guinness World Record with the title “Woman with the largest feet in the world”. Tanya said she still has to receive rude messages from some netizens since she is known for her distinctive features in her feet.

In fact, Tanya’s feet are not the same size. Her right foot is 0.5cm longer than her left foot. Tanya uses social media, and she often receives rude messages from strange men who want her to send them pictures of her feet.

Having “terrible” feet also makes Tanya face many inconveniences in her daily life, for example, Tanya has a hard time finding women’s shoes available on the market that fit her feet, so. , Tanya often has to wear men’s shoes.

Sharing about the weird messages she received, Tanya said: “I don’t use social media to make weird connections, I never intended to make money by sending pictures of my feet. yours to strangers”.

Sister Tanya has a height of 2.05 meters. Sharing about personal experience, Tanya said: “Throughout my adult journey, I have always been taller than my classmates. In my family, my parents are both tall, so it’s not like I’m tall. surprise the family.

My parents have always been very understanding and supportive and cheered me on, so I grew up normally and never thought of being so tall as something terrible or bad for my personal life. . I am not bullied because of my appearance, my friends love and treat me well.”

Tanya began to cause fever on social networks earlier this year, when she started sharing about her giant feet. It was the suggestion and encouragement of the online community that made her more confident to contact the Guinness World Records organization to officially set the record.

Tanya hopes that with her setting a Guinness World Record, shoe brands will pay more attention to women with large feet. Tanya hopes that shoe brands will soon launch different lines for women with large feet, so that she can buy women’s shoes that are available in the market at “pocket-friendly” prices.

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