Stunned Guinness world record 3 minutes to eat 1 kg of noodles

A teacher with a hobby of eating noodles has set a Guinness world record when he finished eating 1 kg of noodles in 3 minutes.
Stunned the Guinness world record for 3 minutes to eat 1 kg of noodles - Photo 1.

Jeremy Lanig, an American living in Japan set a Guinness world record for the ability to eat udon noodles

A man named Jeremy Lanig, living in Japan has a passion for food with a hobby of eating instant noodles and udon noodles.

An English teacher at a center based in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan. Outside of work, Jeremy Lanig moved to the country of the rising sun to live because here he could comfortably enjoy his favorite dish, udon noodles.

Eating udon noodles every day, plus his hobby, the man created a new challenge for himself.

After Jeremy Lanig finished eating a large bowl of udon noodles, 10 times the size of a normal bowl served in each restaurant, he set himself the goal of conquering the Guinness record.

Stunned the Guinness world record for 3 minutes to eat 1 kg of noodles - Photo 2.

Jeremy Lanig ate 1,153 kg of udon noodles in 3 minutes

After many times of training, the American man conquered 1,126 kg of noodles in 3 minutes. For Jeremy Lanig, this got even better as he completed the birthday record. It’s like a great gift an English teacher in Japan wants to give himself to mark his 40th birthday.

Not only that, the man holding the new record who has lived in Japan for more than 13 years wants to make a small contribution to promoting the culture of Sanuki udon, the most famous udon noodle in the Kagawa district of the country. sunrise.

Udon noodles are made from flour, salt, and water, served with dashi broth. Notably, udon noodles are usually thick, slippery, big and tough, so to eat more than 1.1 kg in a short time, eating in a hurry is a particularly difficult challenge. To achieve an impressive record, Jeremy Lanig spent more than 13 years in Japan practicing eating udon noodles.

Stunned the Guinness world record for 3 minutes to eat 1 kg of noodles - Photo 3.

Side countdown timer adds pressure to Jeremy Lanig

This is the first time Jeremy Lanig has set a Guinness world record, the English teacher in Japan intends to continue his efforts to spread the classic Japanese culture and cuisine.

Jeremy Lanig initially joined the community of fast-eating, fast-eating ‘wide mouth’ owners in the world including Michelle “Cardboard Shell” Lesco, USA, LA Beast, USA and Takeru Kobayashi, Japan.

In which, Michelle “Cardboard Shell” Lesco, a female math teacher from Arizona, USA, alone set 3 Guinnesss records for eating and drinking. She consumed all 2,448 g of mayonnaise, equivalent to about 3.5 jars in 3 minutes, or finished a bowl of pasta in the fastest time 26.69 seconds and a record without using her hands to eat a sandwich. sausages in a very short time of only 21.6 seconds.

Stunned the Guinness world record for 3 minutes to eat 1 kg of noodles - Photo 4.

Takeru Kobayashi, a 1.67-meter-tall young man, is known as the Japanese cake-eating king. He once ate 83 dumplings to win the championship of the cake eating contest in Hong Kong. He set a Guinness world record when he ate 12 burgers in 3 minutes.

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