How did the ancient Romans celebrate?

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Romans held many parties. According to researchers, most parties are only for the elite.

Large and boisterous parties were an integral part of ancient Roman society. Many parties were held in Rome thousands of years ago.

Of these, some were held by the ancient Romans after the completion of the sacrifices at the temples.

People will enjoy the food that has been offered to the gods together.

Besides the parties with many classes of participation, the Romans also had private parties only for certain groups of people.

The upper classes and aristocrats often held lavish parties. Guests in these parties are mainly family, friends, business partners or people in the political world…

In these parties, many expensive dishes, drinks, fruits, wine… are prepared. In addition, many owners of the party also let the man sing and dance to make the atmosphere more joyful and romantic.

The parties of the Roman elite usually lasted a few hours but could also go on from evening to the next morning.

Through these parties, many people in the elite and aristocracy became closer and could become partners in many business deals or become political alliances to create great influence in the court. family.

Even Roman kings regularly held lavish banquets in the palace with the participation of hundreds of people.

Through these feasts, Roman kings displayed their power and wealth. Not only that, great parties also help them to be happier and more excited.

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