A close-up of the fruit plate registered for the Guinness Vietnam record

At the 2013 delicious fruit-tree festival taking place in Cho Lach district (Ben Tre province), a plate of fruit registered as a Guinness Vietnam record is very attractive to visitors.

Present at the Ben Tre delicious fruit-tree festival on June 9, as noted by PV Dan Tri , the fruit plate was displayed in the hall of the Cultural Center of Cho Lach district, welcoming hundreds of visitors to see. right after being arranged and erected within the framework of the festival’s activities in the past few days.

The fruit plate registered the Guinness Vietnam record.

The fruit plate registered the Guinness Vietnam record.

The fruit plate has a height of 3.5m from foot to top; separately, the plate is 1.4m high, 3m diameter is made of wood; At the base of the plate, there are 3 carved unicorns that raise their front limbs to raise the fruit plate. On the plate there are 3 dragons, one in the middle and two flying on either side; There are a lot of fruits that are distilled in a dish about 1.5m high, weighing more than 3 tons, including about 25 kinds of fruits such as rambutan, banana, pineapple, mangosteen, durian, coconut, cocoa, grapefruit…

The artist who makes this fruit plate comes from Tien Giang province.

Panoramic display of fruit plates.

Panoramic display of fruit plates.

The fruit plate is supported by 3 unicorns with funny shapes.

The fruit plate is supported by 3 unicorns with funny shapes.

The main decoration is a dragon lying in the front...

The main decoration is a dragon lying in the front…

...and two dragons flying up the sides viewed from the front.

...and two dragons flying up the sides viewed from the front.

…and two dragons flying up the sides viewed from the front.

The background is arranged with more fruits to create a festive space.

The background is arranged with more fruits to create a festive space.

The fruit plate is visible on all sides.

The fruit plate is visible on all sides.

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