A collection of the world’s strangest houses

Everyone has their own designs for the house of their dreams, especially when that work is considered the most unique, strange and unique in the world, the more proud its owner is. Here are 15 “unique” cases in the world.

14. Space ship house – USA

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

It looks like a display on the top of Signal Mountain, Tennessee, but this “alien spaceship” is a special home. People living inside can observe life at their feet through large windows around the house.

In a fully furnished house like another normal house. The only thing missing is probably a remote so that it can fly into space.

13. Mushroom-shaped house – USA

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

This is the home of Professor Terry Brown – an architect with experience teaching at the University of Cincinnati. Brown’s house resembles a giant mushroom.

The house has only one bedroom but it took 14 years to complete the construction. Unfortunately, Professor Brown passed away in 2008, but his masterpiece still stands tall for all to see.

12. Bubble house – France

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

This bubble house overlooking the Mediterranean Sea was built in the 1970s in Cannes, France for designer Pierre Cardin. The total area of the house is up to 8,500 m2 with 28 rooms in all. The house has connecting paths and a beautiful garden with a relaxing swimming pool.

11. Sundial house – France

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

The house is designed with many panels of glass and is known as the sundial house in the Alsace region, France. All windows of the house can receive sunlight, but completely ensure warmth in winter, cool in summer, comfortable in all types of weather.

10. Cubic block house – Netherlands

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

This is the work of architect Piet Blom. He designed and built the house in the early 1970s, with a unique construction style with concrete pillars and cubic balustrades. Looking at it from another angle, the roof looks like someone just rolled the dice.

9. House on the cliff – Serbia

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

This lovely little house “stands alone” on a cliff, amidst the rushing water that flows through Bajina Basta in Serbia.

People around the area said that the house was built in 1968 by a group of tourists who often come here to swim. They put together large wooden planks and fixed them on the rock with concrete and iron stakes.

8. Shoe-shaped house – USA

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

This giant shoe located in Hellam, Pennsylvania, was built in 1948 by the man nicknamed “the witch of the shoes”. Mahlon Haines Nathaniel is the owner of 40 shoe stores in different US states, and has designed 25 models of high heels himself.

7. Waterfall House – USA

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

The house was built on top of a waterfall in Pennsylvania. The most famous architect in America, Frank Lloyd Wright designed this house for the Kaufmann family in 1936.

The inside of the house is decorated with modern, comfortable and especially poetic furniture in the charming landscape.

6. Strawberry house – Japan

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

The Sanrio company created this house with the purpose of serving as a shopping mall for the surrounding residents in 1984. The building is so elaborate that the windows are also designed to resemble the seeds of a strawberry.

5. Pyramid House – USA

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

Couple Jim and Linda Onan together built a pyramid system in Illinois in 1977 as their wonderful home. The house is open to tourists to visit freely, they even designed a surrounding moat with feng shui meaning.

4. Upside down house – Canada

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

The house located in Ontario, Canada was built for tourism purposes. The work has a completely different shape from other ordinary houses.

3. Airplane house – USA

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

Joann Ussery built her place in the shape of a Boeing 727 in Lake Whittington, Mississippi. So far, she is still extremely satisfied with that unique work.

2. The Walking House – Denmark

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

The N55 Pedestrian House was built in Copenhagen, Denmark and can accommodate four people. The owner of the house built it with the purpose that if bored in one place, the people inside can easily move to another location.

1. Toilet-shaped house – Korea

Collection of the most bizarre houses in the world

This huge “toilet apartment” is located in Suwon, South Korea and its owner is the mayor of Suwon city, Sim Jae-Duck.

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