A record-breaking line of 1,180 sandwiches forms to commemorate Sao Paulo’s anniversary

Achieving a Guinness World Records title may be one of the most fun and impressive anniversary gifts that the city of Sao Paulo (Brazil) received this year.

Perdigão, a Brazilian food company, decided to go big and set the world record for the longest line of torpedo (submarine) sandwiches to celebrate the city’s 469th anniversary.


With an impressive line made of 1,180 sandwiches, Perdigão claimed the Guinness World Records title this past 25 January in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The attempt was held at the emblematic Parque Ibirapuera, one of the most important landmarks of Sao Paulo, and one of the largest urban parks in Latin America.


Mortadella is one of the company’s most important products and it’s widely known across the country. For the attempt, the company used their Mortadela Ouro.

The record-breaking event was organized as part of one of the company’s promotional events called “Mortandela Week, with N de Niver Sampa”, which took place from January 22nd to the 31st.


Carlos Tapia, an official adjudicator from Guinness World Records was on site to oversee the attempt, and to make sure that all guidelines were followed.

Tapia counted over a thousand sandwiches and made sure that each one was at least 30 centimeters long.

“For Sao Paulo’s birthday, we wanted to offer a gift that reflected the grandeur and history of one of the largest metropolis in the world. As gastronomy is one of the city’s greatest cultural treasures and Mortadela Ouro Perdigão is an icon, we thought big and created the largest line of torpedo sandwiches in the world, conquering a prestigious Guinness World Records title. This is how we celebrate the city in style and make history with a new record provided by Mortadela Ouro Perdigão.”- Marcel Sacco. Global Vice President of Marketing and New Business, Perdigão

Breaking a world record is never an easy task, and longest line of torpedo (submarine) sandwiches is no exception.


A team of over 40 people was behind the preparation of the torpedo sandwiches and worked for over five hours at the kitchen to prepare the needed amount of food.

The event was open to the public at Fundação Bienal, a venue inside Parque Ibirapuera, where attendants were able to learn more about the process of making smoked mortadella and witness the set-up of the gigantic line of sandwiches.

After the official adjudicator from Guinness World Records confirmed that the record was successful, the sandwiches were enjoyed by people attending the event.

In addition, around 20% of the sandwiches were specially prepared to be donated to the Pãozinho Solidário project, a non-profit organization devoted to deliver food to those in need.


Congratulations! And welcome to the Guinness World Records family.

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