A world record-setting pho party with over 2,000 bowls is achieved.

A party of more than 2,000 bowls of pho serving breakfast for union members and workers participating in a fundraising walk event in District 7 (HCMC) set a Vietnamese record and a world record.

Tiệc phở hơn 2.000 tô xác lập kỷ lục thế giới

Presenting the certificate of setting a Vietnamese record to Ms. Le Thi Giau – the representative of the record-setting unit – Photo: VietKings provided

The record-setting event of serving pho took place within the walking tour “For a friend of union members and the city’s workers’ support fund”.

The activity was jointly organized by the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and the Management Board of the Industrial and Export Processing Zones of Ho Chi Minh City on June 11, at Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone (District 7, Ho Chi Minh City).

Set both Vietnam and world records

To have 2,126 bowls of beef noodle soup to serve union members and workers, after participating in fundraising activities, the organizers had to cook 10 pots of water for 1,000 liters of water. The broth is made from bones and spice powder.

In terms of raw materials, there are 44kg of beef, 44kg of beef balls, 26.4kg of vegetables, 26.4kg of raw prices and 69.5kg of accompanying ingredients such as: lemon, onion, green pepper…

Up to 80 people directly prepare and serve pho for diners.

Vietnam Record Organization (VietKings) was present at the event early to appraise, check and record the reality. At the same time, the Vietnam Record Organization continuously updates the images and information of the event to the Council of the World Records Union (WorldKings).

With the right parameters, the World Records Union Council agreed to set a world record.

Thus, the event of promoting Ta brand instant pho and processing and serving beef pho for the most people to enjoy together by Binh Tay Food Joint Stock Company set a double record, including the Vietnamese record. Men and World Records.

Tiệc phở hơn 2.000 tô xác lập kỷ lục thế giới

Athletes enjoy pho after participating in the walking tournament – Photo: VietKings

Bringing Vietnamese culinary culture to the world

At the event, Mr. Duong Duy Lam Vien – General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Record Association, Director of the Vietnam Record Institute and Ms. Nguyen Thi Quynh Ngoc – General Secretary of the Vietnam Book of Records (VietKings) awarded by establishing Vietnam and World Records to Ms. Le Thi Giau – the representative of the unit that set the record.

Tiệc phở hơn 2.000 tô xác lập kỷ lục thế giới

Pho is loved by many people – Photo: VietKings

This event set a world record, contributing to promoting Vietnamese culinary culture to world friends, especially pho – a dish loved by both domestic and international people.

Pho is easy to eat, attractive, attracted by the sweet broth, soft noodles combined with fresh beef. Pho is served with herbs.

Pho can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


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