Oklahoma, July 2021.

A man named Randy Young has come forward to report a Ufo encounter that happened almost 50 years earlier, in 1975..

The Story begins when he was 10 years old at the miracle mountains boarding school in Hartshorne, Oklahoma.

Ancient Aliens: UFO HAUNTS 10-YEAR-OLD BOY

Miracle Mountain was kind of out in the boonies of Oklahoma.

That day, my brother and I were out in the sandbox and we saw this circular Shining Light that was probably 2 000 or so feet up in the air

And it didn’t have the movements of an airplane, it was just hovering, and as it got darker, this craft got closer.

It had lights that went through the midsection all the way around and it had his classic saucer type shape.

For decades, Randy and his brother kept their extraordinary encounter to themselves for fear of how it would be received.

Ancient Aliens: UFO HAUNTS 10-YEAR-OLD BOY

He didn’t want people thinking that you’re crazy.

You didn’t want to ruin your reputation, but in the back of my mind that story was always there and with all that has been going on, with the government, the military jets that are, you know, tracking these things- and there’s been a lot more talk about it recently-

I’m like, okay, if they’re talking this big at this level, they got to hear this story.

They need to know about what had happened in hartshorn in 1975, and so I contacted Mufon.

The report reached the desk of Mindy Toddfest, the Oklahoma state mufon director.

Randy filed an official report through Mufoncom, and I immediately knew after reading it that this case could be a very, very important case to all of Ufo history.

I first reached out to Randy and interviewed him.

Ancient Aliens: UFO HAUNTS 10-YEAR-OLD BOY

The next person I spoke to was Philip Buchanan.

Philip was one of the older children at this school at the time, and so he has one of the more complete memories of what transpired there and the operations of the school itself.

And then I spoke with the teacher via email, and the teacher described that some of the kids were hiding under the beds because they were very terrified, and some of the kids were looking out the window.

Ancient Aliens: UFO HAUNTS 10-YEAR-OLD BOY

They reported to see shape-shifting entities out there.

They just said it keeps changing.

What Mindy found out after doing all that work is that these kids were recalling the exact same thing as these Witnesses were telling their stories years later.

One of the things Mindy asked him to do was to actually draw the Ufo that they’d seen, and the consistency is amazing.

And not only are they telling the same story, but they’re describing the same craft.

It shows us that these old historic cases still have something to offer.

Ancient Aliens: UFO HAUNTS 10-YEAR-OLD BOY

I think that we need an organization like Mufon, I think we need to have a database for all these different incidents, and I think that we need to have as many eyes and as many investigators on this as possible.

We need to figure out what’s going on.

There’s been a lot of excitement around this story because there were a lot of things that corroborated each other.

We find Value in all Ufo reports, and some of the older ones served to validate some other sightings that may be in our database, and so the older historic cases really have a lot of value whenever it comes to ufology.

This cold case is one of the most fascinating cases that mufons ever investigated because students- they had not spoken to each other since 1975 and they all replied with the same answers, which indicates that something happened and everybody saw the same thing in the ancient astronaut opinion.

Ancient Aliens: UFO HAUNTS 10-YEAR-OLD BOY

Those stories of UFOs today are the same stories that our ancestors in the remote past also explored.

Their cell phone cameras were the walls of caves and reliefs and carvings in which they commemorated those incredibly significant events that they were eyewitnesses too.

Thank you.

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