Allium Giganteum: Discover the unexpected beauty of the giant flower


The carpet of flowers resembles a human figure on the top of a high mountain


A passing alien-like shadow was captured by a home CCTV camera.

Amanda Pitt, 34, with her husband Jeffrey, and their four children live in Pennsylvania, USA, in a rented private home they moved into in 2020.The house has a surveillance system that automatically sends security alerts to your phone when it detects something suspicious. And over the past two years, Amanda regularly received such messages, while […]

Alien Encounters on the Moon: Noises and Anomalies in the Sky

Recently, NASA removed some photos of the moon from its official website and kept others with much lower resolution. This was the case with an image featuring an extraterrestrial base on the moon. However, some photos were posted that were taken by astronauts sent into space, featuring flying objects hovering over the moon. Dr. Franklin […]

Kongka La pass’ strange UFO base (Video).

When have we ever been disappointed by an extraterrestrial storey? Regardless of the hazy evidence on the existence of aliens in the human world, we never ceased exploring it, and we have, to some extent, succeeded in gathering some major proof of extraterrestrial existence. However, have you heard of “Kongka la pass”? The Himalayas, the […]

A strange video of US military personnel transporting an alien from Roswell has leaked.

Roswell, New Mexico, without a question, is the spot on Earth that best demonstrates that humans are not the only life on the planet. This is because there were several claims of UFO sightings in the area in July 1947. Many people believe that the object, or whatever it was, fell close to Area 51, […]

Hunter’s siege of the Giant Snake

In a chilling encounter deep within the wilderness, a group of courageous hunters found themselves face-to-face with a massive and ferocious predator: the giant snake. These intrepid…

The results of the duel were revealed in the book 30 Fierce Encounters: Cobra vs. Python.

Nature has an intriguing way of presenting us with captivating moments of survival and dominance. Among the most riveting encounters in the animal kingdom is the clash…

Fearless expert catches 100 king cobras and venomous snakes with just his hand

In a remarkable display of bravery and expertise, a seasoned professional recently achieved the unimaginable feat of capturing 100 deadly king cobras and vipers using only his…

Admire the Beautiful Pictures of Waterlilies Harvesting in the Mekong Delta.
