There are IT executives looking to find a UFO and reverse engineer it for the good of mankind.

Vice interviewed three tech executives who are willing to admit their fascination with UFOs, but the article states that admitting an interest in the hypothesis Alien spacecraft is still a taboo in the tech industry, and many investors are unwilling. to support…

A mechanism that changed cosmic rays was built into the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

The height of the pyramid is proportional to its perimeter, which is similar to the ratio of the radius and the circumference of the Earth. The pyramid appears to be a three-dimensional triangular representation of a hemisphere, suggesting that it resonates with…

China may have witnessed a UFO crash on December 1, 1994.

At 3:00 am, the residents and employees of a factory in a small town were awakened by a bang and strange light. When they got out, it turned out that the plant was seriously damaged, and the forest was destroyed for 3 kilometers and an area of \u200b\u200b150-300…

Right in front of Hubble, a star underwent a black hole’s formation.

When a massive star runs out of fuel, its core collapses, forming a dense object while the remaining gas is expelled outward in a phenomenon known as a supernova. The consequences usually result in neutron stars or black holes. Recently, Hubble…

On the Moon, there is 300 billion tons of water, according to scientists.

These findings are based on samples obtained during China's Chang'e 5 mission in December 2020, which collected material from the lunar surface over a two-week period. . Previous studies of glass beads found in Apollo lunar samples challenged the idea that…

Animal kingdom: A giant python slithers across the roof and eats enormous birds.

The incident happened in the town of Palmwoods in the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland, eastern Australia.

What is a blood python, exactly?

Pythons, also known as blood pythons (Blood Pythons) are non-venomous creatures that are active from morning to night.

Do White Snakes Have Venom?

Snakes (albino snakes) are snakes whose whole body is covered with a white color, different from other snakes with colorful and bold colors. They are considered as one of the strange, rare and difficult to find snakes.

When you see these reptiles, are you alarmed?

Reptiles are very diverse, from dangerous and powerful species to cute reptiles with colorful colors. They are prime examples of the diversity and adaptability of animals.

Why is the white bison revered by the Lakota people as a sacred animal?

The beautiful and mysterious image of the great white bison has been a sacred symbol among Native American tribes for centuries.