My child was born as I was being given a second chance at life

Kayleigh Summers is an LSW that works in a school in Pennsylvania. Daxton, who lives with her husband, 18-month-old son Callahan, and dog, recounted her the account of her giving birth.

Cute Images Of Newborn Babies Holding Animals

Fotografías conmovedoras de bebés recién nacidos peleando con animales bebés Sujata Setia, una fotógrafa que vive en Londres, ha capturado la forma de arte única de la fotografía de recién nacidos. Estas son algunas de las hermosas fotografías de su álbum de bebés acurrucados con bebés…

Photo Album: Fruit Themed Baby Images

Introducción: en un mundo lleno de momentos adorables, pocas cosas pueden rivalizar con la ternura de los bebés. Sus risitas contagiosas y sus expresiones inocentes traen alegría a todos los que los rodean. Cuando se combina con un concepto creativo como una sesión de fotos con temas de frutas,…

Mothers may not be perfect, but mother’s love and child care is always the most perfect

Alex Dacy, una mujer con una enfermedad genética, ha estado documentando su embarazo durante las últimas 22 semanas en un esfuerzo por desafiar el estigma y disipar las ideas sobre discapacidad, embarazo y paternidad. A través de sus publicaciones en Instagram, pretende…

Natasha: The Last Photo of a Baby with a Beautiful Smile

En el mundo de las fotos virales de Internet, un bebé capturó los corazones de millones con su adorable sonrisa. Conoce a Natasha, la bebé que se convirtió en una sensación en Internet con su sonrisa contagiosa. Todo comenzó en 2020 cuando circuló una foto de Baby Natasha en…

The Cochno Stone: A 5,000-year-old star map reveals the existence of a long-lost advanced civilization

Archaeologists cannot confirm what is exactly depicted on the mᴀssive slab, detailing like planets and stars. The Cochno Stone, found in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, is believed to…

A bright, triangular-shaped UFO has been spotted in an Indian sky. (Video)

This is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video. YouTube conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru has now appeared in the skies and is now on a collision course towards the earth. Others say it is an alien […]

Scientists were astounded to discover extraterrestrial organisms that have a striking similarity to aliens

ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕛𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕤 looking for extraterrestrial life have been going on for a long time, inspiring many interesting theories. If it finds a neighbor on another planet, what has humanity prepared? Many scientists liken the encounter with extraterrestrials will have an unimaginable outcome for humanity, possibly like Neanderthals using rudimentary tools to confront the US Air Force …

200,000 years ago, ancient cultures had total control over levitation

I ask you to carefully examine the monolithic stone blocks and convince me that they can be moved. We can’t even lift all of these massive blocks with today’s modern cranes. If we can’t lift them, how did ancient civilizations manage to do so? Vulcanian Spock would have agreed that only one explanation is possible: […]

The Little Angel Is Called “La Chica Joker”

La pequeña Ayla Summer Mucha nació con una rara condición llamada macrostomía bilateral, que impide que las comisuras de la boca se fusionen correctamente durante el embarazo. Esta condición le da la apariencia de una sonrisa permanente y requerirá cirugía en el futuro. …