52 Stunning Dragonfly tattoos With Meaning

Unlike other insects such as bees ɑnd ƖadyƄugs, dragonflιes are large, colorfuƖ, and noTiceable. As a creatᴜre that exιsts on tҺe planet since the era of dinosaurs, tҺey have long…

The Model known as “deam iil” After displaying tattoos in an extreme out-and-out liner

А mᴏdel һaѕ beeп dubbed a “dгeam ɡiгl” afteг ѕһe flauпted һeг tattᴏᴏѕ weaгiпɡ пᴏtһiпɡ ᴏtһeг tһaп eхtгeme ᴄut-ᴏut uпdieѕ.

The Best Ways to View the Magnificent Lyrid Meteor Shower

One of the oldest recorded annual showers, the Lyrids will peak on April 22

Highest-Energy Light Ever Seen From Jupiter Seen by NASA Telescope

Jupiter’s southern hemisphere is shown in this image from NASA’s Juno mission. New observations by NASA’s NuSTAR reveal that auroras near both the planet’s poles emit high-energy X-rays, which are produced when accelerated particles collide with Jupiter’s atmosphere. Credits: Enhanced image by Kevin M. Gill (CC-BY) based on images provided courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS The planet’s […]

Mount Kilimanjaro-sized ‘alien’ comet is speeding directly for the Sun, and experts believe it may have come from another solar system. Astronomy

A large comet that scientists think may have come from another solar system is currently streaking towards our sun. The ‘alien’ space rock, which at 3.7 miles (six kilometres) wide is the size of Mount Kilimanjaro, was first spotted in 1986 with the help of a homemade cardboard telescope. Fast forward nearly 40 years and […]

Astronomy: Star’s Odd Path Around Black Hole Validates Einstein’s Theory

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Observations of the star S2, which orbits a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, show that not only does it prove predictions made by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, it does so in spectacular fashion. Einstein’s theory of general relativity has aced another test. Following nearly 3 […]

A Tiny Kitty Explains the Meaning of Love to a Shy Cat

In 2017, Jazmin Felder heard a faint meow coming from his backyard and went to investigate. She found a cute feral cat stuck on the highest branch, not daring to climb down. Jazmin knew she needed immediate help and the cat was sure she was lucky there. After taking the cat down from the tree, […]

Kitten Discovers Toy Pet Carrier And Claims It As Her Own

When Emy Blake first adopted Petal, she knew the little kitten was going to give her a run for her money. Petal’s energy is endless, and she loves to play with absolutely everything, even if it isn’t meant for her. Once Petal decides she wants it, it’s hers. Emy Blake Recently, Blake’s sister came over […]

Couple Discovers the Cute Reason Their Cat Started Panting

When Lindsey and Daria, a couple from Belgium, were traveling through Spain in September, the last souvenir they expected to bring home was a tiny, malnourished kitten. But when a little orange tabby followed them back to where they were staying, the couple knew he had chosen them as his family. “I think he knew […]

Our 14-year-old Norwegian Hound is Leaving Us – The worst day we’ve ever had

Losing a beloved pet is never easy, especially when the time comes to say goodbye. Our family recently experienced this heart-wrenching event when we had to make the difficult decision to euthanize our 14-year-old Norwegian Elkhound in the comfort of our home.