Astronomy: Moons orbiting rogue planets may harbor life

An artist’s conception of a potentially-habitable exomoon. Credit: NASA Moons Orbiting Rogue Planets Could be Habitable When looking for signs of life beyond the Solar System, astrobiologists are confined to looking for life as we understand it. For the most part, that means looking for rocky planets that orbit within their star’s circumsolar habitable zone […]

Our Solar System Has Received a Second Interstellar Visitor. Astronomers believe they understand the source of the problem this time

When ‘Oumuamua passed through our solar system in 2017, no one could figure out where the object came from. But astronomers think they’ve worked out how Comet 2I/Borisov got here. An artist’s depiction of the first identified interstellar object, ‘Oumuamua. (Image credit: M. Kornmesser/ESO) For the second time ever, astronomers have detected an interstellar object […]

Apollo 13 Moon Views in Stunning 4K Video Released by NASA Puts an End to All Conspiracy Theories

NASA made a beautiful picture of the Moon by combining data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) with pictures taken by the Apollo 13 astronauts during their dangerous trip around the Moon’s far side in 1970. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) from NASA is now in a polar mapping orbit around the Moon that is […]

A new finding provides information on extremely early supermassive black holes.

This system consists of a pair of galaxies, dubbed IC 694 and NGC 3690, which made a close pass some 700 million years ago. As a result of this interaction, the system underwent a fierce burst of star formation. In the last fifteen years or so six supernovae have popped off in the outer reaches […]

Through adoption, a dog with a disfigured face caused by its mother’s attack finds a loving home.

The majority of individuals consider others’ physical characteristics. Similar things occur while picking a canine companion; some people prioritize his exterior above his inner. We ought to behave like our pets do because they love us unconditionally, never pass judgment, accept people for who they are, and live their lives to the fullest. Fortunately, not […]

Hope for Recovery Provided by Mother’s Love for Paralyzed Dog

The vet said, “He will walk again if he wants to walk again.” But the dog was too depressed to move.

A cat unintentionally becomes the top student after unintentionally entering the school.

He is a role model to the other students! This kitten had no idea that getting in this school would change his life! Tombi, the cat, is from Turkey, a country with many amazing stories, as much as the number of kittens roaming every corner of this city. Tombi may appear similar to other […]

The energetic cat rapidly changes into a beloved “star” in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone is born wanting a perfect body and a peaceful life, and so do animals. However, besides the friends who live healthy lives, many friends don’t have that life. And some cases have very strong vitality even though the body is not perfect that people admire, and our cat Dexter below is an example. According […]

160+ Breathtaking Watercolor Tattoos that Will Astound You

If you are looking for a new tatToo desιgn ɑnd you wɑnt something truƖy extraordinary then look no further than the wateɾcolor tatToos. they are tɾuƖy stunning and the newest Trend out there foɾ different tatToos.

The Unexpected Beauty of Striki Tatts Making a Bold Statement in the Fashion Industry.

Witһ һeг ѕtгikiпɡ tattᴏᴏѕ aпd uпiզue lᴏᴏk, TaylᴏгWһiteTV iѕ мakiпɡ waʋeѕ iп tһe мᴏdeliпɡ wᴏгld. Oгiɡiпally fгᴏм tһe Uпited Stateѕ, ѕһe һaѕ զuiᴄkly ɡaiпed a