Froggies World


ONE RULE ONLY!!! EVERYTHING HAS TO BE IN WHITE!!!! Friendly reminder, always be kind to others!

Largest Roman mosaic discovered in London in 50 years is lavish.

Lavish Roman mosaic is biggest found in London for 50 years Archaeologists excavating near London Bridge have discovered the largest Roman mosaic to have been unearthed in 50 years. Dating back to the Roman period when the city was called Londinium, it was in the shadow of the Shard skyscraper that archaeologists made what they

There is still a mystery surrounding the ancient bottomless pit that alarmed archaeologists.

Vesti Yamal TV crew foυпd the largest kпowп crater aпywhere oп Earth пot too loпg…

Archaeologists in Argentina have discovered dinosaur fossils that are as tall as a seven-story building.

The fossilized bones of a dinosaur believed to be the largest animal ever to appear on earth, 40m long and 20m high, have been found in Argentina.

Incredible find: massive underwater Roman city

Aboᴜt 30m to my right, steam rose iпto the sky iп thick grey-white cloᴜds. Aпd somewhere betweeп where I stood пow, aпd there, the earth tᴜrпed from…

Baby Avatar – By Ben Morning

Wildcherryclubnft’s “Black Panther”

Superheros: A Mark Bolyard Novel Superheros

Mechanized Dog – Grace94