A Ronaldo free-kick accelerates four times quicker than the Apollo space rocket during liftoff thanks to Cristiano Ronaldo’s training techniques, which enable him to jump as high as 8 feet 5 inches.

As Cristiano Ronaldo scored his crucial goal for Real Madrid against Manchester United last night, he appeared to hang in the air as he powered his header…

Lionel Messi should complete his career at Barcelona, according to Ronaldinho “It would be fantastic”

Former Barcelona and PSG superstar and footballing legend Ronaldinho has claimed that it would be ‘great’ to see Lionel Messi end his career with the Blaugrana amid talks of a summer return.

According to Mesut Ozil’s agent Dr. Erkut Sogut, the former Arsenal star is “very excellent at Fortnite” and may give up football to focus on eSports.

Most footballeгs opt foг becoming pυndits, manageгs oг coaches once they hang υp theiг boots and call it a day as a playeг Howeveг, this doesn’t seem to be the plan foг…

Giant golden dragon the lord of all fire dragons

Fire angel by Kalio77


Semi realistic anime

Stunning interpretation of an epic cinematic

Concept designs for a Mech vs Kaiju movie.

Blue swamp thing eating pizza