Human beings have always been fascinated by strange beings in the sky. Some believe that ancient aliens taught us everything we know, while others believe that aliens have visited Earth.

Although scientists acknowledge the existence of intelligent aliens, they set a high standard of proof that we have been visited by creatures from another star system.

Cigar-shaped UFOs sighted around the world.

The term UFO simply refers to unidentified flying objects, which have been reported in the US since the 1940s. Despite being a popular cultural topic, scientists remain skeptical of the validity of UFO sightings. and the existence of alien abductions or crop circles.

The question posed by UFOs remains: are we alone? Since 2008, there have been numerous reports of sightings of strange cigar-shaped UFOs, including more than 60 encounters with unidentified objects recorded by trained experts. A lot in just 14 years.

Cigar-shaped UFOs sighted around the world.

Conspiracy theories speculate about the nature of these objects, but scientists continue to search for evidence of intelligent life beyond our planet. Recently, a cigar-shaped craft was seen hovering over California, similar to previous sightings in the area.