1. Corgi
The Corgi dog is a very popular beautiful dog breed and one of the most popular dog breeds around the world. Their eyes are large and round, their nose is black, their mouth and jaw are small but very strong. The characteristics of short legs and long body make the Corgi the cutest and most “fictional” dog breed in the world, just like the sausage dog. The Corgi breed proves to be intelligent, easy to command, and easy to train. They are a loyal, affectionate and gentle pet.
Corgi is a beautiful dog breed with an extremely adorable face.
Since I was a child, I have easily “captured the hearts” of dog lovers.
2. Huskies
Although it looks big and fierce like a wolf with “cool” eyes, the Husky is a very gentle dog breed and by nature they love everyone. In particular, they are very gentle with children and rarely get angry or angry. Husky dogs are considered to have an appearance and behavior similar to their ancestors, wolves. They prefer to communicate and communicate by howling rather than barking. Their eye colors vary from sky blue, navy blue, amber, green, or brown and in particular, some animals can have each eye a different color.
Husky is a dog breed that many people love and choose.
Although the face seems… “chubby” and “gangster”, the Husky is considered one of the “friendly beauty queen” breeds.
3. Bull
The English Bulldog (English Bulldog) or Bulldog (Bulldog) or bull-faced dog is a large-headed, strong and brave dog breed of the United Kingdom. The Bulldog is a dog breed originating from the ancient Asian mastiff but only really developed in England. Its cheeks are large and raised under the eyes, the skin on the face and forehead are arranged in layers that are very impressive and easy to identify. Bull dogs are very gentle and friendly, especially they love to play with children.
Extremely adorable expressive face of a Bull dog.
Bull dogs have a gentle nature and love children, so they are very popular with families.
4. Pugs
Pug, commonly known as bulldog, is a breed of pet dog originating from China. They have wrinkled faces, short snouts, and curly tails. This dog breed has smooth, shiny fur that comes in many colors, but the most common are black and fawn. Pug is a very friendly and gentle dog breed.
The bulldog breed is very friendly and gentle.
Looking at children’s faces like this, I just want to love and cherish them, right?
5. Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever is a small breed dog with a balanced, healthy body. They have plumage ranging from creamy yellow to golden brown. This is a very intelligent dog, always behaves properly and loves its owner very much. They are easy to train and always show patience and gentleness towards children.