Explore 15 unique and diverse architectural works


The architecture of the different countries of the world has its own characteristics, such as the New York loft, the Swiss chalet or the skyscrapers of Singapore and Tokyo. However, there are also buildings that do not have a familiar design. For example, fashion designer Pierre Cardin owns a bubble house. The architect of this building designed it as a bubble because he hates straight lines, seeing them as “un-nature”.

And here are 15 unusual buildings from different countries that are sure to spark your imagination.

New Zealand Sheep and Dog Buildings

15 buildings with super unique architecture, from animal shapes to gods

Guangzhou Circle in China

15 buildings with super unique architecture, from animal shapes to gods

“Crazy house” in Vietnam

15 buildings with super unique architecture, from animal shapes to gods

Nice public library, France

Haneys shoe house in Pennsylvania, USA

15 buildings with super unique architecture, from animal shapes to gods

15 buildings with super unique architecture, from animal shapes to gods

Casa do penedo (stone house) in portugal

One wall building in Ukraine

15 buildings with super unique architecture, from animal shapes to gods

Wаt sаmrhаn (Dragon Temple) in Thailand

15 buildings with super unique architecture, from animal shapes to gods

things that only the bravest dare to buy and use

It has been suggested that people who take risks are more likely to succeed in life. While that may be true, it is not always true for every person and believer. This is very obvious when we talk about product designs that are sometimes too much… See more here!

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