Guinness World Records recognizes the world’s first electric wingsuit

The world’s first electric wingsuit has been created and it has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest flight by an electric wingsuit. The wingsuit was created by Swiss engineer and pilot, Peter Sripol, and his team.

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The wingsuit features four brushless electric motors and four propellers, which are mounted on each arm and provide enough thrust to allow the pilot to achieve vertical take-off and sustained flight. This is a significant breakthrough in wingsuit technology as it offers a more efficient and eco-friendly way of flying.

The electric wingsuit was put to the test in September 2021 when it flew for over seven minutes, covering a distance of 6.7 kilometers. This flight broke the previous record for the longest flight by an electric wingsuit, which was held by French wingsuit pilot, Vincent Descols.

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Speaking about the achievement, Peter Sripol said, “I’m really happy to have accomplished this world record with my team. We have been working on this project for over two years and it’s amazing to see our hard work pay off.”

The creation of the electric wingsuit offers exciting possibilities for the future of wingsuit flying, as it allows pilots to fly for longer periods of time and in a more sustainable way. It also has the potential to revolutionize search and rescue operations, as it can reach remote areas quickly and efficiently.

The world’s first electric wingsuit has captured the attention of the aviation industry and has set a new standard for the future of wingsuit flying. It is an impressive achievement that showcases the power of innovation and the potential for sustainable aviation technology.

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Overall, the Guinness World Record for the longest flight by an electric wingsuit is an exciting development for the aviation industry and demonstrates the power of technology to transform the way we fly. The achievement by Peter Sripol and his team is a testament to their hard work and dedication to creating a more sustainable future for aviation.

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