HOT Quoc Co and Quoc Nghiep: Setting 4 Guinness World Records

Quoc Co and Quoc Nghiep: Achieving 4 Guinness World Records in Spectacular Feats

Quoc Co and Quoc Nghiep’s first blindfold in Italy is the final milestone after they set three world records.

Quoc Co - Quoc Nghiep set 4 Guinness World Records

In early February, the two artists established the last Guinness in their international performance. They said they were overwhelmed with emotions, proud of their success after many failures in training sessions due to psychological pressure, physical factors and weather.

In 2016, Quoc Co – Quoc Nghiep set a Guinness World Record for the first time with a stacking of people, climbing 90 steps in 52 seconds in Spain.

Two years later, they continued to set a record with blindfolded, first stacked going down and up 10 stairs in 53.97 seconds in Italy.

After three years, going through the Covid-19 period, the duo set a Guinness record for climbing 100 steps in 53 seconds at the Cathedral in Girona (Spain).

Quoc Co was born in 1984, was awarded the title of Distinguished Artist at the age of 28. Quoc Nghiep was born in 1989, received the title of Distinguished Artist at the age of 26. Quoc Co started practicing circus at the age of four, Quoc Nghiep practiced at the age of five. Two professional performers from 1999 to present. Their most famous performance is called The Power of Hands . At Britain’s Got Talent 2018, their first husband performance conquered the judges, the audience, and entered the top 3 finalists. In August 2021, the couple was proposed for the title of People’s Artist.


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