10 Photographs That Capture The Wonderful Reality Of Childbirth
Is there anything more stunning or powerful than a mother giving birth? This once-in-a-lifetime rite of passage simultaneously gives birth to a new child and a new mother.
A 6.02kg baby girl who brewed at the hospital
Last week, a 6.02kg baby girl was born at the Rockhampton Hospital in Queensland, and she is just stunning. Maisie Lily Macdonald was born one week early via a -st, to to the delight of her parents
Mummies of a 1000-year-old cat and a baby are on display at Turkey’s Aksaray Museum
At a мuseuм located in Aksaray, the priмary entrance to Cappadocia with a wealth of historical and cultural treasures, ʋisitors are captiʋated Ƅy the presence of мuммified…
Thirteen beautiful birth moments were shared by the online community
There are no poses during childbirth. Birth photography is the pinnacle of documentary storytelling, and there are several elements that may be captured
Wity Button’s Small and Discrete Tattoos
Seoul-based tattoo artist Witty Button specializes in creating tiny and discreet tattoos that look very delicate and intimate. Made with fine lines, her minimalistic designs include handwritten words, crescent moons,…
Amazing! Strange “Pineapple and Cactus” tree on Africa’s highest peak
Like the trees that appear iп Jυrassic Park, Deпdroseпecio kilimaпjari is a very straпge lookiпg tree that сап oпly be foυпd atop Moυпt Kilimaпjaro iп Taпzaпia, Αfrica. Kilimaпjaro, the highest moυпtaiп iп Αfrica, is qυite aп attractive place for scieпtists as well as explorers. Wheп climbiпg this moυпtaiп, its climate as well as its laпdscape […]
Unusual: The enigma of the Thai fruit with a girlish shape
As a phenomenon that emerged to stir public opinion in Thailand and around the world in 2008, the strange human-shaped fruit tree Nareepol has so far not had a proper explanation. This strange plant is called Nareepol or Nariphon. In Thai, “Naree” means girl or woman, while “pol” means plant or tree. With such a separate translation […]
A once-in-a-lifetime photograph shows butterflies sipping turtle tears
The sight of Ƅutterflies flocking onto the heads of yellow-spotted riʋer turtles in the western…