Australia releases classified UFO documents

Secret documents that Australia have just released show that two Australian helicopters were put on the highest alert when images of the mysterious object suddenly appeared on…

Montana – fog – dew – Superman

United Defense Pacific Rim

In the face of a looming threat from a new breed of kaijus, nations have constructed powerful jaegers as the ultimate defense to protect their citizens from…

Skydiving babies

Six Children in Three Years: The Amazing Tale of a Proud Mother

Six 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren in three years and three мonths: this is the curious record that a young Australian couple set when, after haʋing had three 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren literally one…

In Israel, a roadside dig reveals a 10,000-year-old house.

This image shows the 10,000-year-old house, the oldest dwelling to be unearthed to date in the Judean Shephelah. Archeologists say that while digging at a construction site in Israel, they have uncovered some stunning finds, including stone axes, a “cultic” temple, and traces of a house 10,000 years old. The discoveries provide a “broad picture” […]

A Century-Old Mystery Answered Using Ancient Science: The Carnac Stones

The Carnac Stones have been one of the most puzzling archaeological artifacts in the world for hundreds of years.

Archaeologists in Israel discover a historical comb with a “complete phrase”

It’s a simple sentence that captures the hopes and fears of modern-day parents as much as the bronze age Canaanite who owned the doubled-edged ivory comb on which the words appear.

What the toilets and sewers tell us about the sanitation of ancient Rome

The Etruscans laid the first underground sewers in the city of Rome around 500 BC. These cavernous tunnels under the city streets were built of finely carved…

Having been rejected by everyone else, a cat with four ears finds its forever home.

Meet Yoda, two-year-old house cat was born with four ears but is otherwise in good health and appear