In his final days, an abandoned dog with a giant loin finds love.
The story of Gus the dog is a testament to the resilience and courage of animals that endure a difficult start in life. Gus had to struggle for survival on the cold and rainy streets of Texas before being rescued by S.N.A.R.R Animal Rescue Northeast, a non-profit animal rescue organization based in New York. Gus
British leek recognized as the world’s longest
Derek Hulme, an amateur gardener from Stoke-on-Trent, UK, officially grew the world’s longest leek – a massive vegetable that measures no less than 143.2 cm (4 ft 8.3 in).
It is tragic to witness a cherished dog screaming in pain as hundreds of thorns swell up on its mouth.
In the early мorning of Febrᴜary 20, Adriano Bertoline – a мan froм Araras, Sao Paᴜlo state of Brazil foᴜnd it ʋery strange that his pet dog Thor kept screaмing in pain.As he approached, Adriano noticed an aƄnorмality on the Ƅody of Thor, his 3-year-old pet dog. Throᴜghoᴜt its face, neck, front legs and eʋen […]
Chang and Eng Bunker, the first set of Siamese twins, have a troubled past
Chang and Eng Bunker, known as the ‘original’ Siamese twins, hold a record for the most children born to unseparated twins.
With the longest eyelash on a dog ever, Newfypoo shatters the record
Beautiful Coco the newfypoo has secured the record for longest eyelash on a dog thanks to her luscious lashes.
Growing and Knowing
This started back in 2016 with a rough sketch that patiently waited until this day to be turned into a full digital painting. BY: Ni-nig