A UFO was stopped in flight by an Italian fighter pilot. This is the available evidence

When the Italian Air Force pilot had finished his mission of reconnaissance, he was on his way back to the base in Treviso when an unidentified flying object

Massive, mysterious planet-sized UFO caught on camera by International Space Station

Maпy people woпder if alieп ships have beeп watchiпg υs siпce time immemorial. Everyoпe caп pυt forward their owп theory, bυt iп 2019 astroпomer James

The longest dog has a tongue that is longer than a popsicle stick

A Tucson, Arizona dog with a tongue measuring 3.74 inches has been confirmed as having the longest tongue on a living dog.

The weight of a sunflower head breaking the world record for bowling balls

The green-fingered Fortey family (UK) have grown the world’s heaviest sunflower head, weighing 6.44 kg (14.21 lb).

Before the 2023 season, F1 legend Jenson Button establishes a reaction-based world record

British former world champion Jenson Button has successfully conquered Sky Sports’ batak wall, setting the record for the most lights extinguished on a batak/target wall in 30 seconds with 58.

Inventor of the insect sting pain scale, a record-breaker, passes away at age 75

Dr Justin Schmidt, whose insect sting pain scale helped determine the record holder for most painful insect sting, has died at age 75.

Man captures footage of an alien leaving its UFO in a Romanian forest and taking off

What you will see in the following video is apparently an extraterrestrial getting inside a flying saucer before taking off. The video was recorded in a remote snowy area of Romania, near the city of Targoviste. According to the video uploaded on YouTube, the material was filmed a few years ago, featuring how a big-head…

“Are We Alone”: Astronomers Discover a New World: The Extremely Habitable Alien Planet with an 84% Probability of Life

The Kepler мissioп discoʋered a plaпet orƄitiпg the star KOI-3010 υsiпg the traпsit мethod. Researchers are drawп to this world Ƅecaυse it has traits that are siмilar…

Aliens From The Ancient Annunaki Visited Earth To Mine Gold

For many individuals, the genesis of humanity has always been a source of fascination. Scientists believe that life has evolved in seas for millions of years and that humans are just the consequence of that evolution. Ancient astronaut theories, on the other hand, have a different take on humanity’s beginnings. They believe that in the…

When Pareidolia Strikes: Antarctica UFO Hunter See Jesus’ Face

An alien hunter “exploring” Antarctica in search of anomalies using Google Earth believes he has found the face of Jesus in Antarctica. What he doesn’t probably know, is that his alleged discovery is nothing other than Pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon where people perceive familiar patterns or shapes in random stimuli, such as clouds, rocks, or…