Record eating at 18 Michelin star restaurants in one day

A young man from New York (USA) is confirmed to have set a record of eating at the most Michelin-starred restaurants in one day.

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Eric Finkelstein, 34, an IT consultant in the healthcare industry, took 14 months to plan his unique record-setting journey in New York, USA. “Convincing restaurants to agree and then taking the right route determines half of the success or failure,” he said. Photo: KDRO.

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He came up with this record-setting idea during a time of widespread pandemic, when he moved out of the city. After temporarily moving here in 2021, Finkelstein made a list of the best restaurants he plans to try. He joined an online food group and heard about the challenge. Photo: Eric Finkelstein.

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Initially, Finkelstein contacted more than 80 restaurants, but received only 10 responses. Unfortunately, four of them lost their stars when the Michelin Guide released its 2022 list, just 20 days before he was due to do so. Finkelstein hastily asked other restaurants and made a reservation for October 26, 2022. Photo: Eric Finkelstein.

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According to the rules of the challenge, Finkelstein is only allowed to walk or take public transport between restaurants. He started with a $36 grilled avocado salad at Le Pavillon in Midtown. Followed by salmon roe, blini and crème fraiche for $25 at Caviar Russe. Photo: New York Post.

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Other highlights of this culinary journey are grilled scallops, drizzled with grapefruit and chamomile sauce at Tuome, a bowl of blackcurrants for $ 15 at Aquavit, French rare beef for $24 at Oiji Mi and $26 oysters at The Modern. Photo: New York Post.

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His last stop was the restaurant Noda, where he enjoyed chawanmushi with sea urchin and salmon roe. Photo: Eric Finkelstein.

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Finkelstein’s total bill is $494 , excluding taxes and tips. The dishes totaled 5,000 calories, and his journey was completed in 11 hours. In December 2022, the Guinness World Records organization officially recognized this record. Photo: New York Post .

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