Sitting for nearly 5 days on the toilet to… set a Guinness record

Jimmy De Frenne, who claimed to sit for up to 165 hours on the toilet, had to give up at 116. The sad news for this man is that Guinness World Records has yet to respond to his request. ta.

Sitting for nearly 5 days on the toilet to set a Guinness record - Photo 1.

Jimmy De Frenne sat on the toilet to set a world record – Photo: REUTERS

“Self-mocking is the pinnacle of humour. Why am I doing this? Why can’t I. For me, there’s nothing more fun than making fun of others because afterwards I will have the right to do the opposite of them,” De Frenne told Reuters TV.

This man is learning to be a bus driver and admits sitting for hundreds of hours on the toilet is not as easy as he initially imagined.

“My leg hurts, but I believe I have succeeded. I will try to make it an official record,” De Frenne shared. 

He confirmed that Guinness World Records was aware of his attempt to set the record and was examining witnesses.

There is no record for the longest time sitting on the toilet, but according to De Frenne, one person has sat for 100 hours.

The fact that the toilet he sat on is located in the open space of a 24-hour bar in Belgium, different from the toilets in the cramped and sometimes smelly toilets you’d imagine.

De Frenne was also given a 5-minute break every hour to go to the bathroom because the toilet he was sitting on was just a display, there was no water or drainage pipe. De Frenne usually doesn’t go to the bathroom every hour, but accumulates them for a nap.

It is not clear if the Guinness World Records recognized De Frenne’s record. Several records related to toilets have been recorded by this organization such as “The fastest running toilet in the world” set in the UK in 2013.

The fact is that a man repaired and installed a toilet on his 140cc motorcycle and rushed away at 85km/h, but the toilet, as you are thinking, does not have a motor or foot to run (!?).

Sitting for nearly 5 days on the toilet to set a Guinness record - Photo 2.

The record for the fastest motorized toilet in the world – Screenshot

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