Launched in 1955, the Guinness World Record until now has recorded many crazy and odd cases.
Elaine Davidson
(Photo: East News)
Elaine Davidson got her first piercing in January 1997, and as of June 8, 2006, she has had a total of 4,225 piercings. Elaine is recognized as the most pierced woman in the world.
Chris “The Dutchess” Walton
(Photo: East News)
Christine Walton holds the record for the longest nails in the world. The nails on her left hand are about 309.8cm long and the right one is 601.9cm long. Chris is now 45 years old and claims that she hasn’t cut her nails since 1990.
Devendra Suthar
(Photo: Instagram/guinnessworldrecords)
Suthar suffered from a special condition since birth that gave him more fingers than anyone else in the world. He has 7 fingers on each hand and 7 toes on each foot. Suthar said the extra fingers did not affect his carpentry work, but he was forced to wear specially made shoes.
You Jianxia
(Photo: East News)
You Jianxia has the longest eyelashes in the world. She has to keep them from getting skewed or entangled by clipping them behind her ears. Jianxia’s longest eyelashes are 20.5cm long and still growing.
John Evans
(Image: Shutterstock)
John Evans balanced a mini car on his head on May 24, 1999. The vehicle weighed a total of 159.6 kg and was held on top of him for 33 seconds. John was also the person who carried 101 bricks weighing 188.7 kg in 10 seconds in 1997 and 96 cartons of milk in 2001.
Chad Fell
(Photo: Instagram/guinnessworldrecords)
Chad Fell is the person who blew the largest bubble gum in the world, measuring up to 50.8cm in diameter. It is known that to make this record, Chad did not use his hands and only used 3 pieces of gum in his mouth.
Joel Strasser
(Photo: East News)
Joel Strasser is famous for putting different objects into his beard. In 2018, he set a record when he successfully put 3,500 toothpicks in it in a total time of 3 hours and 13 minutes. Besides, he put paper straws, jewelry, pencils and forks in it. All were successful enough to set another world record.
Mochi “Mo” Rickert
(Photo: East News)
The dog St. This Bernard has entered the record books with the longest tongue in the world. A veterinarian measured and recorded the length of this tongue as 18.58 cm.
The biggest wig in the world
(Photo: Instagram/guinnessworldrecords)
This wig has a width of 2.23m and a height of 1.6m. It was created by Kelly Hanson and Randy Carfagno Productions LLC, and was teamed by Drew Barrymore on the set of The Tonight Show. A total of four people were dispatched to help Barrymore put the wig on.
Jyoti Kisanji Amge
(Photo: East News)
Jyoti Kisanji Amge is an extraordinary case recorded in the list of Guinness world records. Born in 1993, she is only 61.95 cm tall and weighs about 5.4 kg. She became the shortest living female teenager in the entire world. She then went on to receive the title of the shortest living woman in the world.