The 10-year-old prodigy set a Guinness World Record with the ability to do math super fast, just looking at it makes everyone dizzy

Nadub can correctly answer 196 multiplication and division questions in 1 minute – which is more than 3 correct answers per second.

Nadub Gill, a boy born in 2010, surprised the world with his super-fast, super-accurate math skills, to put his name in the Guinness Book of World Records earlier this past July.

Using Times Tables Rock Stars software, Nadub was able to correctly answer 196 multiplication and division questions in one minute – that’s more than 3 correct answers per second.

The 10-year-old prodigy set a Guinness World Record with the ability to do math super fast, just looking at it makes everyone dizzy - Photo 1.

Nadub holds a certificate from the Guinness World Records organization.

Within 1 minute, up to 700 children from all over the world were trying to achieve the record for the highest score on the Times Tabled Rock Stars. The World Guiness Organization has received many excellent scores. However, it was Nadub who broke the previous record and took the title.

“I’m very emotional and happy to win this title. It’s like a dream,” Nadub said after learning he had set the record . “I am very grateful to the school, the teachers, who encouraged me to participate in this competition. Everyone encouraged me a lot and I think they played a huge role in my success.” .

Nadub can correctly answer 196 multiplication and division questions in 1 minute – which is more than 3 correct answers per second.

Nadub is Pakistani but he and his family live in Derbyshire, UK. The boy is attending Longmoor Primary School, at Long Eaton. At school the boy was also famous for being exceptionally good at calculations with the abacus.

“We recognized Nadub’s gift for multiplication one day in February when he wowed the entire school with his skills in Longmoor’s Got Talent – Longmoor’s Got Talent,” said Sue Dtain, Principal . Longmoor Elementary School said.

“Everybody in the room felt goosebumps – from the kids to the parents and the teachers. He created a whole school sensation with the abacus. We let Nadub go ahead and win the game. won the Guinness World Record because his ability is so amazing. We couldn’t be more proud of him.”

The 10-year-old prodigy set a Guinness World Record with the ability to do math super fast, just looking at it makes everyone dizzy - Photo 3.

Nadub’s talent was discovered during a school-level talent show.

Nadub’s mother also said that the boy has always shown an interest in math from an early age. Whenever he needed to do homework, he would choose to do the math homework first.

Nadub shared that he spent an hour every day for 3 years practicing on calculation software. In addition to his natural ability with mathematics, it was his hard work that helped him achieve this commendable achievement.

“The more you practice, the better the results will be ,” says Nadub. During the period of social distancing, Nadub worked hard to improve his skills. The Pakistani boy did something really meaningful and left a mark during this quarantine.

“Numbers mean nothing when you think about it. More than 3 correct answers per second – this achievement challenges our beliefs. And I bet it’s a long time before anyone can. We have total admiration for Nadub, not only for what he achieved but also for his humble attitude to achieving it,” said Bruno Reddy, CEO and founder of Times Tables. Rock Stars said.

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