The dangerous record caused the Guinness World Organization to delete it

The Guinness World Record for the time spent awake without sleep has disappeared since 1986.

The last person to set this record stayed awake for 453 hours and 40 minutes. This record was last recorded by Guinness World Records in 1986. At that time, the person who set the record was an American man named Robert McDonald.

After Robert McDonald set the record, the Guinness World Records organization decided to remove this category entirely, because it realized that there were many dangerous factors that could happen to the health of the person who wanted to set the record.

On the homepage of the Guinness World Records organization, the organization said that considering the dangerous consequences that can occur when a person suffers from severe sleep deprivation, they decided to remove this record category. .

The first time the Guinness World Records organization recorded an individual’s sleepless waking time was in 1959. At that time, American DJ Dave Hunter was up 225 hours without sleep (equivalent to 225 hours of sleepless sleep). 9 days and 9 hours).

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Randy Gardner broke the previous record, the teenager stayed up for 264 hours without sleep (Image: Daily Mail).

In 1964, two American teenagers came up with the idea of ​​​​setting a new record and considered the process of doing this challenge like carrying out a scientific research to serve learning activities at school.

Two high school boys named Randy Gardner and Bruce McAllister wanted to record the brain’s responses when the body was severely sleep deprived. Later, looking back at the old experiment, both Randy Gardner and Bruce McAllister felt that they were too reckless and foolish to risk their health for an experiment that they themselves did not fully anticipate the possible risk. happen.

At that time, two teenagers toss a coin and Randy Gardner is the one who has to perform the experiment. Meanwhile, Bruce McAllister was also at first awake with you to watch and cheer you on. But after three days without sleep, Bruce couldn’t stand it. Accompanying two teenagers in this experiment are scientists specializing in human sleep research.

Finally, Gardner broke the previous record, the teenager stayed awake for 264 hours without sleep (equivalent to 11 days). After taking on the challenge, Gardner experienced changes in his emotional state, suffered short-term memory loss, and experienced some concentration problems. In addition, he experienced symptoms of hallucinations and paranoia.

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Mr. Randy Gardner is now 77 years old (Photo: Daily Mail).

The last person to be recognized by the Guinness World Records for the time spent awake without sleep was an American man named Robert McDonald. In 1986, Robert McDonald was awake for 453 hours and 40 minutes continuously (equivalent to 18 days 21 hours 40 minutes).

When taking on the challenge, Robert McDonald was 27 years old and a stuntman. After completing the challenge, McDonald once shared with the US media: “This is not an easy experience at all. I always feel like I’m going to faint, I constantly have the feeling of vomiting and waking up. Eat like you want to reflux out.”

After completing the challenge, Robert had periods of weight loss and found it difficult to remember information. During his stunt career, Robert McDonald has performed many dangerous stunts, but this man still considers performing the sleepless challenge to establish a Guinness World Record as the most dangerous thing. i used to do.

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