The farmer and his wife collected 4.25kg of “terrible” mangoes, setting a world record

With a weight of 4.25kg, a farming couple in Colombia owns the heaviest mango in the world and is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

A Colombian farmer couple has set a Guinness World Record after owning the world’s heaviest mango.

The 4.25kg mango was harvested by husband and wife Mr. Orlando Novoa and Ms. Reina Maria Marroqun (Guayata, Colombia) from a tree planted 15 years ago.

The farmer and his wife collected a huge 4.25kg mango, setting a world record - 1

The 4.25kg mango broke the previous record of a heavier 3.43kg mango.

Previously, the world’s heaviest mango was harvested by a Filipino who weighed 3,435kg in 2009.

The farmer and his wife collected a huge 4.25kg mango, setting a world record - 2

According to Orlando Novoa, during the development of the mango, he and his wife noticed an abnormality in its size.

When she knew the size and weight, the daughter went online to find out if there was a record related to the heaviest mango in the world. The whole family discovered that the mango the couple had grown was the heaviest, and the daughter asked her parents to register it with the Guinness World Records.

Farmer Orlando Novoa thinks the Guinness World Record title will let the world know they are humble, hardworking people who love the countryside, cultivating the land with love will produce great fruit.

The farmer and his wife collected a huge 4.25kg mango, setting a world record - 3

In an interview with 956FM radio channel, Mr. Novoa said that the couple did not have any special care regimen, all plants were raised the same. However, perhaps due to natural factors and the soil of the Guayatá region, the mango is so heavy.

To celebrate the record won, the family split the mango and the members enjoyed it. Before eating the mango, Mr. Orlando Novoa used a mold to make a copy of it and gave it to the city to save.

In the coming time this man and his wife will continue to work hard to produce more good quality avocados, lemons, macadamia nuts…

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