In Vorja Sánchez’s haunting dreamworld, ethereal beings descend from the sky, their long, wispy tendrils reaching out to touch the earth. These colossal figures, which strike fear into unsuspecting hikers and startle farm animals as they emerge from behind hills or gather in aerial clusters, disrupt the tranquility of otherwise serene photographs captured by the Barcelona-based artist and illustrator (previously featured). Prints featuring whimsically depicted phantoms are available at Sánchez’s shop, while more pieces from the series can be discovered on Instagram. (Image courtesy of Lustik)
In Vorja Sánchez’s eerie dreamworld, spectral beings descend from the sky, their long, wispy appendages tightly gripping the terrain. These gigantic figures, which instill terror in unsuspecting hikers and startle farm animals as they emerge from behind hills or gather in aerial groups, disrupt the tranquility captured in the otherwise serene photographs by the Barcelona-based artist and illustrator (previously featured). Whimsically illustrated prints of these phantoms are available at Sánchez’s shop, and you can explore more captivating pieces from the series on Instagram. (via Lustik).