The strangest Guinness records have just been set

Many of the world’s strangest Guinness records have just been set to record extraordinary achievements.

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In 2007, 1010 bikini-clad women accompanied them on a beach in Australia to set a world record for the largest ever swimsuit photo shoot. However, in 2011, this record was broken with the appearance of 3090 girls at the beach in China.

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In an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the largest “barbecue party”, about 30,000 people gathered together to grill 13.713 kilograms of beef.

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Chris “The Duchess” Walton continues to hold the world record for the longest fingernails. The nails have been raised by her since 1993, never cut. So far, it has been about 3m long.

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In 2012, children joined the march for peace, setting a record for the number of people dressed as Mahatma Gandhi at the same time. Mahatma Gandhi is the national hero of India.

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A Romanian woman wearing a wedding dress the same length as a train appeared in Bucharest.

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In Thailand, the world’s longest kiss was set, lasting up to 58 hours 35 minutes and 58 seconds. This record was set by a Thai couple on Valentine’s Day in 2013.

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A total of 553 pregnant mothers in China practice yoga together, setting a new record for the number of pregnant women practicing yoga at the same time.

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In 2014, a group of 261 hotel employees together set a new record while floating on the Dead Sea in Jordan. Thereby, they want to promote the image of the country’s tourism industry.

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A group of 1215 Taiwanese farmers broke the Guinness World Record by planting 5.1 acres of rice in just 16 minutes and 20 seconds.

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And this is the world record for the largest pillow fight in the world by a group of 6261 people participating. The cotton pillow fight took place at a baseball field in St. Paul, Minnesota, Chicago, USA.

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The group of 6 tried to set a record for the largest cup of cappuccino in the world. Previously, the current record for a cup of coffee was 4,250 liters.

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The skydivers performance was set up with 357 athletes. They simultaneously clasped each other’s hands and jumped from above, creating a beautiful performance.

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1000 people get mass massage at a sports center in China.

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