The object dubbed the “Yellow Book” is not a traditional book, but rather a block of material approximately 2.5 inches thick with a transparent exterior. When a reader looks at the transparent surface, words and images appear, creating an endless series of historical stories and photographs about the universe. e, the planet EBEN and its inhabitants, and the history of the Earth. It is said that reading and understanding the contents of the Yellow Book would take several lifetimes.

The aliens themselves wrote the "Yellow Book," which serves as a historical account of extraterrestrial events in our universe.

The Yellow Book is an 8×11-inch object made of a heavy material similar to fiber optics, and its curve is light yellow. By holding the book close to the eyes, the reader can see words and images that correspond to their particular language. The United States government has identified 80 different languages contained in the Yellow Book.

The aliens themselves wrote the "Yellow Book," which serves as a historical account of extraterrestrial events in our universe.

According to the Yellow Book, it contains the story of EBEN’s life, space exploration, social life, and long-term relationships with Earth, including his first visit. sit around 2000 years ago. The book depicts Earth as it was at the time and describes an EBEN who took the form of a human being, known as Jesus Christ, who built the terrestrial Earth on the principles of Chr Istianity and became the first alien envoy to Earth. .

The aliens themselves wrote the "Yellow Book," which serves as a historical account of extraterrestrial events in our universe.

The Yellow Book is an extensive record dating back to 2000 B.C. C. and may contain information dating even further back. According to EBEN, the universe was created in a single moment, similar to the Big Bang theory, and has been expanding and contracting for billions of years. EBEN measures time in terms of an “event clock” rather than years, but uses Earth years as reference points to help readers understand the concept of time. The Yellow Book is believed to contain information about all life in the universe, according to the infusion theory.

The aliens themselves wrote the "Yellow Book," which serves as a historical account of extraterrestrial events in our universe.

Reading the Yellow Book is an ongoing process, and once started, it cannot be paused or resumed from a particular page. The book starts from the beginning if one tries to stop it and resume reading later. While the Yellow Book can recognize a reader’s language, it cannot recognize the reader’s unique identity. The record is said to be around 22 consecutive hours, and no one knows exactly how long it lasts or if anyone has ever reached the end of it.

The aliens themselves wrote the "Yellow Book," which serves as a historical account of extraterrestrial events in our universe.