UFO spotted in the Nevada desert, USA, changing shape.

They appear to be three UFOs grouped together in the distance. However, upon closer inspection, it might just be a larger ship with lights. It has a bright orange color but then changes to white and disappears. It's a fantastic UFO sighting,…

The “Yellow Book,” a history of extraterrestrial activities in our cosmos, was written by aliens themselves.

The object dubbed the "Yellow Book" is not a traditional book, but rather a block of material approximately 2.5 inches thick with a transparent exterior. When a reader looks at the transparent surface, words and images appear, creating a…

Cigar-shaped UFOs have been seen all over the world.

Human beings have always been fascinated by strange beings in the sky. Some believe that ancient aliens taught us everything we know, while others believe that aliens have visited Earth. Although scientists acknowledge the existence of intelligent aliens, they…

There are IT executives looking to find a UFO and reverse engineer it for the good of mankind.

Vice interviewed three tech executives who are willing to admit their fascination with UFOs, but the article states that admitting an interest in the hypothesis Alien spacecraft is still a taboo in the tech industry, and many investors are unwilling. to support…

China may have witnessed a UFO crash on December 1, 1994.

At 3:00 am, the residents and employees of a factory in a small town were awakened by a bang and strange light. When they got out, it turned out that the plant was seriously damaged, and the forest was destroyed for 3 kilometers and an area of \u200b\u200b150-300…

Right in front of Hubble, a star underwent a black hole’s formation.

When a massive star runs out of fuel, its core collapses, forming a dense object while the remaining gas is expelled outward in a phenomenon known as a supernova. The consequences usually result in neutron stars or black holes. Recently, Hubble…

On the Moon, there is 300 billion tons of water, according to scientists.

These findings are based on samples obtained during China's Chang'e 5 mission in December 2020, which collected material from the lunar surface over a two-week period. . Previous studies of glass beads found in Apollo lunar samples challenged the idea that…

Following the apparition of a fireball in the sky, three enigmatic enormous spheres fall from the sky over Peru (Video).

¿Qué está pasando exactamente en nuestros cielos últimamente? En los últimos meses está habiendo misteriosas bolas de fuego en todo el mundo…

Humans have put out a number of compelling theories that claim the world is shaped like a donut.

The shape of plaпet Earth has beeп υпder discυssioп siпce aпcieпt times.

Science was shocked to discover a significant amount of water on Mars.

Α groυp of scieпtists υsiпg the Eυropeaп Space Αgeпcy’s ExoMars Orbiter ideпtified a sigпificaпt deposit of water immediately beпeath the Valles Mariпeris