NASA has proof of the existence of aliens

Through photos taken by the Curiosity rover and recently released by NASA, UFO researchers point to new evidence of the existence of aliens. After magnifying the images…

Chinese Mountain Beyond Human Reach Is Home to an Alien-Constructed Base

There is a mysterious mouηtaiη called Gaηgkhar Pueηsum that very few people kηow about it. Locals are telliηg that bizarre beiηgs have created a base there aηd uηideηtified flyiηg objects make active iη that area Four expeditioηs tried to reach their peak but uηfortuηately, they did ηot succeed. Locals say that the mouηtaiη will ηever […]

Contact with aliens can destroy life on Earth

As astronomers scour for more powerful ways to find extraterrestrial civilizations, some researchers warn we need to be cautious. As astronomers are scouring for more powerful ways…

Alien spacecraft appeared next to the international space station?

The image of a giant spacecraft-like object has just appeared in a video recorded by the camera of the international space station ISS. However, this image appears…

‘Flying saucer clouds’ on the top of Ba Den mountain, there must be a strange phenomenon of the world?

Many talk about the phenomenon of “flying saucer clouds” appearing on the top of Ba Den mountain (Tay Ninh), some people think that it is a warning…

Awkward first-time grandparent-grandchild interactions

Grandma and grandpa’s relationship with their grandchildren is not only wonderful but also irreplaceable! We understand it from the first moment they hug their newborn grandson and cry…

“Detecting Suspicious Alien Signals”

Strange light signals appearing from 234 stars in the Milky Way, possibly signals of aliens, have been detected. According to Tech Insider, the results of a new…

“UFO Signals Point to Alien Presence on Earth?”

British police have discovered a series of UFOs (unidentified flying foreign objects) that are believed to be aliens. Over the past two years, Lancashire police have discovered…

CIA: Aliens petrified 23 Soviet soldiers?

Five human-like aliens encountered a Soviet unit in Siberia and petrified 23 soldiers, according to documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). According to the Daily…

Surgery more than a hundred times to look like an alien

Vinny Ohh, 22, in Los Angeles, California (USA) spent more than $ 50,000 on plastic surgery to become a “genderless” alien. Vinny Ohh, 22 years old, in…