Detecting suspicious signals of aliens

Strange light signals appearing from 234 stars in the Milky Way, possibly signals of aliens, have been detected. According to Tech Insider, the results of a new…

UFO signals aliens infiltrating Earth?

British police have discovered a series of UFOs (unidentified flying foreign objects) that are believed to be aliens. Over the past two years, Lancashire police have discovered…

Startling image of ‘alien’ on Mars

An image recorded on Mars recently released by NASA has startled viewers. According to the page, the account of a researcher named Streetcap1 posted on YouTube…

How do extraterrestrials hide their whereabouts?

Astronomers believe that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may be able to conceal their presence or may broadcast messages on purpose. Astronomers believe that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may be…

Three enormous spacecraft, each exceeding 150 miles in width, are reportedly heading toward Earth, according to a troubling video report.

UFO encounter has become very frequent in the 21 century, even more so as it became almost impossible to disregard mere incidents from actual UFO sightings. Special departments of air defense or other things such as secret labs have been successfully organized as well, and we presented materials for these claims. We cannot exclude the …

It is believed that a 41 kilogram mysterious metal object of Russian origin discovered on a Bahamas beach is a UFO.

A stгange titanium ball coveгed in Russian text has been discoveгed on a beach in the Bahamas A Bгitish woman, Manon Claгke, spotted the 41kg гeflective ball poking out of the sand while she was walking with heг family at Haгbouг Island on Wednesday evening. “We could see the Russian wгiting on the side, so …

Amazing video showing numerous UFOs that was recorded by a man as he was traveling through the desert has surfaced.

IMAGES showing multiple golden glowing UFOs which were snapped in the Arizona desert are going viral online. Mauricio Morales posted the “UFO” images on Facebook before they were picked up by various alien websites and YouTube channels, which described it as in the area “Ground Zero” for aliens, UFOs, and secret bases. Mr Morales posted …

According to NASA, a massive unidentified flying object (UFO) just entered our solar system and landed in a military area.

News of an unidentified flying object (UFO) being discovered parked at a military airport in the US caused a stir in public opinion. What is more worrying, however, is when the US authorities determined that this is not the first time UFOs have visited Earth. According to a source from the US military, the UFO …

Expert: “Aliens will not enter Earth in peace.”

A UK ufologist recently delivered unpublished information about aliens after studying them for 45 years. Lately the subject of UFOs and aliens has been very present, after several sightings in the North American skies. Now it would be a ufologist, a person who is dedicated to the study of these alien beings to the planet, […]

Galactic Disk: Mysterious Artifact That Researchers Can’t Explain

A bizarre relic kηowη as the “Galactic Disk” is discovered aηd held at the Peruviaη Metropolitaη Museum, aηd ηo oηe kηows what it is or what it is for because ηo scieηtist or specialist has looked iηto it. To determiηe the time of its coηstructioη, the artifact was ηot eveη submitted to carboη aηalysis. However, […]