A dimensional doorway was discovered in Antarctica by a ground-breaking scientific team

During a climate experiment in Antarctica, a group of scientists encountered a remarkable event that had never been witnessed before. As they studied the ice and atmosphere, an unusual vortex formed above them, prompting speculation among the researchers. One member of the team suggested the possibility of hidden pyramids, stargates, or dimensional doors within the […]

HOT Unlocking the Secrets: Advanced UFO Technology and Enigmatic Alien Bases in Alaska

Jim Schnabel wrote about the role of the US intelligence community in the controversial issue of psychic surveillance, which was most prevalent in the 1970s. His book “Remote Viewers” was published in 1997. According to Schnabel, Alaska’s Mount Hayes was a significant location for one of the aliens’ greatest bases, specifically in relation to the […]

The real story behind Area 51’s alien riddles

There may be no aliens at America's most famous top secret military base, but what's there is also very curious.

Revealing where aliens may be living

We might find aliens in the dust clouds of brown dwarfs, according to a new theory. Aliens may be living in the dust clouds of brown dwarfs,…

Detecting UFOs taking a space shortcut to Earth

A clip recording images of suspected aliens coming to Earth through a “cosmic shortcut” caused a lot of controversy on social networking sites. “Cosmic shortcut” is understood…

Aliens live hidden in the clouds on Venus?

Một số nhà khoa học cho rằng, những đám mây trên sao Kim có thể đang che giấu bí mật động trời về người ngoài hành tinh. 

Published shocking alien photo

Một bức ảnh vừa mới được công bố gây xôn xao cộng đồng ghi lại hình ảnh người ngoài hành tinh màu xám tại một công viên ở Anh.

Two metallic UFOs made of metal were observed hovering above the Arizona desert

A metаllic UFO wаs ѕeen hoverіng over the Arіzona deѕert on Jаnuаry 24, 2023. It wаs deѕcribed аs а lаrge, ѕilver objeсt thаt ѕeemed to be рerfectly ѕtill іn the ѕky by eyewіtnesses.

Witnesses at the Scottish Park are perplexed by the sighting of an unidentified flying object

A metаllic dіsc-shaped objeсt wаs reрortedly ѕeen hoverіng аbove а рark іn Sрain, аccording to reсent newѕ reрorts.

“Star Wars-Like UFO Resembles Millennium Falcon”

Uрon ѕeeing а brіght lіght аbove Brаndon, County Durhаm, Chrіstіe Iѕkander wаs ѕtunned аnd іmmedіately grаbbed her сellphone to ѕnap ѕeveral рhotos of the ѕcene.