Unusual Video of US Military Transporting Roswell Alien Has Been Leaked.

Roswell, New Mexico, without a question, is the spot on Earth that best demonstrates that humans are not the only life on the planet. This is because there were several claims of UFO sightings in the area in July 1947. Many people believe that the object, or whatever it was, fell close to Area 51, […]

The mysterious UFO base in the Kongka La pass

When have we ever been disappointed by an extraterrestrial storey? Regardless of the hazy evidence on the existence of aliens in the human world, we never ceased exploring it, and we have, to some extent, succeeded in gathering some major proof of extraterrestrial existence. However, have you heard of “Kongka la pass”? The Himalayas, the […]

Alien Encounters on the Moon: An Extraterrestrial Outpost and Anomalies in the Sky Challenge Our Claim.

Recently, NASA removed some photos of the moon from its official website and kept others with much lower resolution. This was the case with an image featuring an extraterrestrial base on the moon. However, some photos were posted that were taken by astronauts sent into space, featuring flying objects hovering over the moon. Dr. Franklin […]

Google Earth Uncovers Mysterious UFO Chase with Two Airplanes in Antarctica

On Google Maps, members of the prominent YouTube channel “UFOmania,” which deals with ufological occurrences, uncovered something remarkable. Two planes flew near a UFO as they looked at aerial photos from Antarctica. The unidentified flying object appeared to be small and resembled a disk. As is usual with these items, it cast a shadow below. […]

Alien Colonel J-Rod’S Escape From Area 51 Is Reanalyzed

Take a peek at the remarkable testimonies of Michael Schratt, a military aerospace historian. In this scenario, Michael Schratt gives some detail on Dr. Dan Burisch’s popular…

An Astrophysicist Claims That The Milky Way Is Home To Four Hostile Alien Civilizations.

The aliens in мovies and television shows are rarely friendly to hυмanity. For every E.T. or ALF, there are dozens of ‘Malicioυs Extraterrestrial Civilizations,’ or predators, body…

Argentina In 1986, A UFO Destroyed A Hill, Devoured Insect Inside, And Stole Chlorophyll

It all started on the night of January 9, 1986 on a small farm, which was located near the hills of the Sierra del Paharillo. Esperanza Gomez, her sister Sarah, and her grandson Gabriel Gomez were at the farm that night. At about 10:00 pm, they were sitting and playing cards when dona Esperanza suddenly […]

Possible Martian Surface Discovery Of A Crashed UFO?

In 2006 images of Mars, what appears to be a crashed flying saucer can be seen on the surface of the red planet. Mars has always been the subject of controversy because of the images that NASA brings to Earth. Theorists always find some evidence of some anomaly on the red planet that the space agency totally denies. Now, Jean […]

Massive ‘Ufo’ Hovering In The Sky Makes Everyone Panic

Social media was left in shock after a TikToker spotted a massive ‘UFO’ hovering in the sky. A video was shared by TikToker @neshahiggins of what looks like a flying saucer in the sky among the clouds. Naturally, the video went viral. @JordanPeele’s Marketing is always top tier 😂 #NopeMovie pic.twitter.com/og8xxlJw1y — Cakes & Buns 🍰 (@CakesMcGee305) July 15, […]

The Legendary Ancient Thunderbird May Possibly Be Alive Today.

Around 16,500 new animal species are discovered, identified, and categorized each year using modern DNA testing and mapping technology worldwide. Both extinct and unknown organisms are being discovered each day. But what if someone came face to face with the ancient thunderbird in modern times? Native Americans from North America used to carve totems and […]