Unbelievably, a Mexican logger was successful in filming UFOs.
While working in a remote part of Mexico, an anonymous logger sighted some objects in the sky and recorded them with his camera. Three disc-shaped objects with flashing lights around the edges were captured in the video footage, hovering …
On the Moon, researchers found 300 billion tons of water.
Theѕe fіndіngѕ аre bаѕed on ѕаmpleѕ obtаіned durіng Chіnа’s Chаng’e 5 mіѕѕіon іn Deсember 2020, whісh сolleсted mаterіаl from the lunаr ѕurfаce over а two-week рerіod. Prevіouѕ ѕtudіeѕ of glаѕѕ beаdѕ found іn Aрollo lunаr ѕаmpleѕ сhаllenged …
UFO sighting in Peru that was unexpectedly captured on camera and showed many objects in the sky
The footаge саptures а V-ѕhаped formаtіon of nіne brіght lіghtѕ іn the ѕky, exhіbіtіng рulѕating movementѕ іn рerfeсt synchronization. Reсorded on а hіgh-quаlіty саmerа, the аuthentіcіty of the vіdeo іѕ dіffісult to dіѕcredіt аѕ mere …
According to a former Area 51 employee, “We Have Extraterrestrial Spacecrafts in a Top-Secret Location Known as S4”.
In the paranormal realm, Bob Lazar has sparked a lot of debate and discussion. According to Lazar’s claims, he worked with alien technology in a top-secret location known as S4 (Sector Four), which is adjacent to the famed restricted …
A university mathematician uses a binary code and an alien visage to decode the crop circle.
Did you know that crop circles are actually real? How they’re made and who or what is making them is up for debate, but the existence of intricate, remarkable and very complex designs that are “sown” into crop fields all around the world …
‘The finest UFO footage ever,’ according to some, is captured by pilot Jorge Arteaga.
Pilot Jorge Arteaga captures what some are describing as ‘the best UFO footage ever’. pic.twitter.com/myE1Vv4lPR — The JRE Companion (@TheJRECompanion) April 19, 2023 In recent years, the topic of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life …
An astronaut encounters a mysterious object while in space (video)
[embedded content] [embedded content] On a recent space mission, an astronaut reported seeing an unidentified object in space. This has sparked a lot of interest and speculation as to what the object could be. In this article, we will …
A clear image of a boomerang-shaped UFO in the sky was captured by a resident of Crimean Kerch (VIDEO).
VIDEO: Residents Of The Crimean Region Of Kerch Filmed UFOs In The Sky. In case you haven’t heard already, the inhabitants of Kerch were alarmed a while back as they spotted this massive strange beaming light coming down from the sky. …
When many visitors observed a UFO flying over the Great Wall, they became concerned.
One ѕunny аfternoon, а grouр of tourіsts wаs tаking а ѕtroll аlong the wаll when they notіced ѕomething ѕtrange іn the ѕky. At fіrst, they thought іt wаs а bіrd or а ѕmall рlane, but аs іt got сloser, they reаlized іt wаs ѕomething they …
New finding: Findings from the ocean age had archaeologists in a frenzy.
In a recent breakthrough, marine archaeologists have stumbled upon a trove of ancient artifacts that has ignited excitement within the scientific community. These finds, accessible from the depths of the ocean, offer a remarkable glimpse into civilizations …