UFOs can originate from inside the earth, according to an underground race of aliens

For the first time, researchers started talking about an unknown underground people in 1946. This happened after the writer, journalist and scientist Richard Shaver told readers of the American paranormal magazine Amazing Stories about his contact with aliens living underground.

According to Shaver, he lived for several weeks in the underworld of mutants, similar to demons, described in ancient legends and tales of earthlings.

By the way, practically any nation has similar myths telling about the race of ancient creatures that inhabited the planet Earth millions of years before a human foot set foot on it. Infinitely wise, talented and culturally advanced, they do not want to have anything to do with people.

Underground Race of Aliens: UFOs Can Come From Inside the Earth

One could attribute this “contact” to the writer’s wild imagination, if not for hundreds of responses from readers who claimed that they also visited underground cities, communicated with their inhabitants and saw various miracles of technology, not only providing the underground inhabitants of the Earth with a comfortable existence in its very depths, but also giving the opportunity to… control the consciousness of earthlings!

This extraordinary story, oddly enough, had a huge impact on scientists and gave a new impetus to the study of the paranormal.

However, the fact that the Earth is an empty sphere was claimed in his writings by the 17th-century English astronomer Edmund Halley, the writers Jules Berne in his novel Journey to the Center of the Earth, Edgar Poe in Arthur Gordon Pym’s Narrative, and some others.

Moreover, in the 18th-19th centuries in the United States of America, the possibility of equipping a special scientific expedition was even considered, which would prove that our planet is a hollow sphere and it is easy to penetrate into its depths through holes in the earth’s crust.

But as it turned out over time, getting underground is not so easy.

The deepest hole by far is one on the Kola Peninsula in Russia near Murmansk, referred to as the “Kola well.” It was drilled for research purposes beginning in 1970.

After five years, the Kola well had reached 7km (about 23,000ft). Work continued until the project was abandoned in 1989 because the drill became stuck in rock at a little over 12km (almost 40,000ft or 8 miles) deep. That is the current record for a depth reached by humans.

So, the shell of the Earth is much larger than scientists can unearth.

Underground Race of Aliens: UFOs Can Come From Inside the Earth

Scientists of the Third Reich were also very interested in the mysterious world of the underground. For example, back in 1942, with the support of Goering and Himmler, an expedition, which included the most advanced minds of National Socialist Germany, went to look for an underground civilization in an atmosphere of great secrecy.

The “home” of the super-developed peoples of antiquity was supposed to be found on the island of Rugen, located in the Baltic Sea. The expedition had other goals as well. German scientists seriously hoped that if they could place fundamentally new radar devices underground, they would come close to the goal of world domination.

In 1963, two American miners, David Fellin and Henry Thorne, while tunneling, saw a huge door, behind which marble steps descended.

The Story brings us to the events on August 13,1963, at Sheppton, located in the anthracite coal belt of Schuylkill County in eastern Pennsylvania where the famed Sheppton Mine Disaster and Rescue transpired. Three men were trapped some 330 feet beneath the earth after the collapse of a mining shaft.

Some two weeks later, on Tuesday, August 27th, two of the miners, Henry Throne and David Fellin, were brought safely to the surface, after rescuers successfully drilled a 17 1/2-inch and later 28-inch borehole into their chamber, while the third miner, Lou Bova, being trapped in another part of the mine, regrettably perished.

The story of Throne and Fellin’s survival and rescue were enough to captivate the world’s attention, but it was what they claimed they saw and heard, while entombed, that fascinated the public, statements which both men swore as to their authenticity, both separately and publicly, emphatic declarations which they took to their graves, though others believed they had simultaneously witnessed the same hallucinations.

Underground Race of Aliens: UFOs Can Come From Inside the Earth

David Fellin’s ‘affidavit’ was printed in the Philadelphia Inquirer on August 29, 1963, wherein he remarked how, “Now they’re trying to tell me those things were hallucinations, that we imagined it all. We didn’t. Our minds weren’t playing tricks on us. I’ve been a practical, hard-headed coal miner all my life. My mind was clear down there in the mine. It’s still clear.”

Fellin went on to remark, how some of the things he and Throne saw, they couldn’t explain in words, while on the other hand, he stated that, “On the fourth or fifth day, we saw this door although we had no light from above or from our helmets. The door was covered in bright blue light. It was very clear, better than sunlight. Two ordinary looking men, not miners, opened the door.

We could see beautiful marble steps on the other side. We saw this for some time and then we didn’t see it… We saw many other things like that that you couldn’t explain. But I’m not going to tell you about them because I feel too deeply about all this.”

Other miners, already in England, digging an underground tunnel, heard the sounds of working mechanisms coming from below. When the stone mass was broken through, a staircase leading to an underground well was also discovered.

The sounds of running machines intensified. Frightened to death, the workers ran away, and returning after some time to this place, they could no longer find either the entrance to the underground well or the stairs.

Underground Race of Aliens: UFOs Can Come From Inside the Earth

In the 1970s, interesting photographs were obtained from an American satellite, which then went around many Western scientific journals: in the place where the North Pole should be located, the satellite discovered a dark spot of the correct form, similar to a huge hole. It would be possible to attribute these pictures to failures in the equipment, if not for exactly the same photos taken a few years later.

Also interesting are the testimonies of the anthropologist James Macken, who examined a cave in Idaho, which is notorious among the indigenous population. Makkena and his companions, after several hundred meters of careful movement along a wide stone corridor, suddenly heard screams and groans, and soon terrible finds in the form of human skeletons appeared before them. Unfortunately, further exploration of the cave, which in these parts was considered the entrance to the underworld, had to be stopped: the smell of sulfur was simply unbearable.

If we turn to the opinion of scientists, then geologists do not share the theory of the ubiquitous cavity of the Earth, although they do not deny the possible presence of huge hollow spaces in its depths.

It is unlikely that people could live there, because inside our planet there is not only a rather high temperature, but also very little oxygen, but it is full of other gases that are incompatible with human life. All this prompted restless researchers to create a new hypothesis: perhaps the underground civilization has an extraterrestrial origin?

And why not? Perhaps, alien beings, tired of the constant wars and strife of mankind, moved underground, from where they still observe our development … And it is from under the earth, and not from other galaxies, that they appear from time to time. time in the sky on flying saucers, come into contact with people and conduct their cruel experiments on them.

But here a legitimate question arises: if our Earth is still hollow from the inside, then why the entrance to the underworld has not yet been discovered. The group of scientists from the United States came closest to the possible truth, which suggested that underground cities exist … in the fourth dimension.

And only when the Earth’s electromagnetic field changes from time to time, tunnel entrances open on its surface, allowing you to see underground cities and their inhabitants. At other times this is not possible.

And if we really lean towards the hypothesis that some kind of intelligent beings lives in the bowels of our planet, many mysterious phenomena would find their explanation.

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