World’s oldest dog entered the Guinness Book of Records

When his pet dog was born three decades ago in a small village in central Portugal, Leonel Costa was only eight years old. This man did not know that one day his beloved Bobi would have the opportunity to enter the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s oldest dog.

The title of the oldest dog in the world has just been given to Bobi, of the purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo breed. Bobi’s toughness and intense vitality have surprised many people when as of yesterday (February 4), it was 30 years and 269 days old, far ahead of the record set in 1939, which belongs to Bobi. about an Australian Cattle Dog with 29 years and 5 months of age. The fact that Bobi lives to more than 30 years is considered quite surprising, because the Rafeiro do Alentejo dog breed usually has an average age of 12 to 14 years.

Bobi’s owner said: “It’s a feeling of pride that we can’t explain. We think there are three to four factors that contribute to Bobi’s amazing longevity, of which living in the countryside, being in nature, is certainly one of the main reasons. In fact, Bobi was never chained or locked in a cage. The sense of freedom I think is also an important reason. And of course, a small part of that is our love and affection for our pet dog.”

Despite his advanced age, Bobi still has a hobby of walking despite his poor health and poor eyesight. Leonel Costa hopes Bobi will live many more years and is grateful to his dog for putting the remote village of Conqueiros on “the map”.

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