7 of the world’s most enigmatic archaeological sites

Mysteries dating back to antiquity have always been a puzzle for modern people, they’ve always been models of public interest, perhaps because no one can explain it like that on their own. How and why these mysteries still exist. Here is a list of 7 archaeological discoveries that lead to human interest today:

The world’s oldest temple Gobekli Tepe – Türkiye

7 most mysterious archaeological heritage in the world

Located about 6 miles from the city of Urfa is an ancient city present in the southeastern region of Turkey, German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt has revealed one of the most important archaeological discoveries. greatest stone of our time: it’s a mighty piece of stone wall dating from about 11,000 years ago, they were built by the Prehistoric people, probably at that time also did not appear metal tools Or even pottery. It should be known that the world famous Stonehenge giant stone site was only born about 6,000 years ago today.

The newly discovered rock site is known as Gobekli Tepe , and archaeologist Klaus Schmidt has been working here for more than a decade, with established dating proving that this site is a temple complex. The oldest church in the world. The walls or rows of stone columns are arranged together in a circle. In addition, on a hillside, there are 4 circular ring roads with traces of stone columns that used to be built here. Each round belt has a similar arrangement, that is, in the middle of the circle are 2 T-shaped stone columns, surrounded by smaller stone columns all facing the 2 main columns. The tallest stone pillars, nearly 5 meters high, Schmidt says these stone pillars weigh from 7 to 10 tons. This is the first Sanctuary in the world that was created by man.

Great Pyramids of Egypt

7 most mysterious archaeological heritage in the world

How the ancient Egyptians were able to build the Great Pyramid population is still an unanswered question convincingly. Historian Herodotus says that the Great Pyramid was built within 30 years by the diligent labor of about 100,000 slaves. Another theory is that this huge architectural complex was built by ancient Egyptian farmers themselves to prevent the Nile flood according to the annual calendar that falls in July and November. The construction of the Great Pyramid was transported from Aswan and Tura, perhaps the ancients used water power to transport giant stone blocks to gather at the construction site.

The Great Pyramid may have been built between 2589 – 2566 BC. People used more than 2,300,000 blocks of stone with an average weight of 2.5 tons. The total weight of the stone blocks that made up the great work amounted to 6,000,000 tons and the pyramid’s spire was 140 meters high. The Great Pyramid is the tallest and oldest structure of the Giza pyramid complex. The tomb located inside the pyramid has been exploited by thieves hunting for antiquities. The owner of this structure must be a very rich King. He was buried alone in a giant tomb. The wives of the King of Egypt may have been buried in smaller tombs adjacent to the pyramid.

The Queen’s Catacombs have never been used. The floor in this crypt had never been polished, it gave off a rough texture. In addition, the ventilation ducts in the heart of the pyramid really remain a mystery. It is theorized that perhaps not all spaces within the pyramid have ventilation ducts installed and that it is considered an important religious symbol. When the ancient Egyptians believed that the stars were the refuge of the Gods and the spirits of the Dead. In the tomb of the king of Egypt, the walls are made of pink Aswan granite, the sarcophagus has no lid. Perhaps the sarcophagus was already placed in the heart of the catacombs, then they built a stack of pyramids on top.

Nazca Lines – Nazca Desert – Peru

7 most mysterious archaeological heritage in the world

The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the heart of the Nazca Desert in Peru. This line complex has been recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage . The mysterious lines stretch more than 80 km between the two towns of Nazca and Palpa on the Pampas plains. Scholars believe that the Nazca line population was created by the Nazca culture formed between 400 and 650 AD.

There are hundreds of isolated figures depicting hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks or orcas, llamas and lizards. These lines are drawn shallowly on the ground using red pebbles painted over the white lines. Hundreds of simple or geometric shapes, including more than 70 patterns of animals, birds, fish or people. The largest drawing has a width of up to 200 m. The geometric shapes depicting a flowing stream of water seem to depict some kind of ancient water ritual. Spiders, birds and trees are symbols of fertility. Other drawings are related to irrigation or astronomical almanacs.

Thanks to the dry, windless conditions and the balanced climate on the plains as well as the wilderness and remoteness, these lines have been preserved intact to this day. de Jumana

World’s oldest computer Antikythera

7 most mysterious archaeological heritage in the world

The Antikythera machine is speculated by scientists to be an ancient mechanical computer designed to calculate the positions of celestial bodies in the universe. This strange computer was recovered sometime between 1900–1901 from the wreck of the Antikythera shipwreck, but its true complexity and significance remained a mystery until decades later. . This machine is dated to around 150–100 BC (b.c.). Similar manufacturing technologies were not common until the 14th century when mechanical astronomical clocks were made in Europe. Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau visited the wreck of the Antikythera shipwreck in 1978, but did not discover any remnants of the Antikythera mechanical machine.

Professor Michael Edmunds from the University of Cardiff (Wales, England), who led the recent mechanistic study, said: “ This device is a fine artifact. It has a beautiful design, accurate astronomical calculations. Perhaps its creator was very careful to every little detail… in terms of its historical stature and scarce value, I judge that it is more precious than the Mona Lisa painting masterpiece. This device is on display at the Bronze Collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, and other restored copies are on display at the American Computer Museum in Bozeman, Montana (USA), the Museum of Children in New York and in Kassel (Germany). Investigators theorize that this ancient computer device may have been designed by the Syracusa people and that it is a work of the Archimedes.

Ancient hunting traps – Israel, Jordan, Egypt

Pilots of the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the early 20th century, for the first time discovered a strangely shaped line like a wing located in the heart of the deserts of Israel, Jordan and Egypt. These lines are quite low, it is a type of stone wall, the two walls run in a pair and run parallel to the same circular pit.

In some parts of Jordan, these stone walls form a chain up to 40 miles long. Are these structures a prank? An ancient spaceport runway? A study of 16 ” kites ” in the eastern Sinai desert (Egypt) confirmed what researchers were hoping for: These stone walls were a trap used to trap mammals. as large as antelope, gradually enter the pit and destroy. In addition, these ” kite lights ” date from 2,300 years to 2,400 years old, having broken up 2,200 years ago. “Research has shown that the construction of ‘kites’ was actually much more sophisticated in ancient times than we see today, the ancients were knowledgeable about the world of animals. animals than people today ”, according to Mr. Uzi Avner of Ben-Gurion Eilat University (Israel).

Stonehenge Stone Circle – UK

7 most mysterious archaeological heritage in the world

Stonehenge is a prehistoric stone monument located in the county of Wilshire in England, about 3.2 km west of Amesbury, about 13 km north of Salisbury. One of the most famous archeological sites in the world, Stonehenge consists of circular mounds of land surrounded by a giant circle of erect stones. It is the center of a dense complex of monuments from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages in England, including hundreds of different burial mounds.

Archaeologists believe that Stonehenge was built in 2,500 BC. However, one recently proposed theory has stated that this amazing archaeological site was not previously known until 2,400 BC – 2,200 BC, while others suggest that the bluestone blocks were used as building blocks. The foundation for Stonehenge dates back to as early as 3,000 BC. The earthen circles and moats surrounding Stonehenge date back to 3,100 BC.

The site of Stonehenge and the structures surrounding it were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986, the list accompanying the Avebury Henge memorial. Stonehenge is managed by the British Heritage Foundation, while the land surrounding it is owned by the British National Trust . Reburial operations continued at Stonehenge for at least the next 500 years.

Atlantis Legendary Continent

7 most mysterious archaeological heritage in the world

Atlantis (“Atlas Island”) is a mythical island, first mentioned in Plato’s Timaeus and Critias dialogues. According to the great sage Plato, A tlantislocated on the facade of the colonnades of Hercules ” covering parts of Western Europe and Africa about 9,000 years before the Solon era, or approximately 9,600 BC. After the failure to conquer Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean at the time of ” one day and night’s failure “.

Some scholars argue that Plato evoked memories of past events of the eruption of Thera volcano or the Trojan War, or the failure of the invasion of Sicily in 415 BC – 413 trCN. While there is little evidence of Atlantis during the Middle Ages, the story of Atlantis was rediscovered in the early modern period. The mystery of the continent of Atlantis has influenced many literary works, from science fiction novels to cartoons and movies.

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